i've been waiting patiently like the good doll i am while locked in a giant diamond on Doll Island. she hasn't come to claim me. i hope she's serious and she does rescue me from encasement and finally locks me even tighter ;-)
for the first real time i turned on live streaming of local music feed and am enjoying the mixed selection. this song came up which i've not heard in forever. so here's the video.
so i am still waiting and starting to plot my SL transformation myself. i want to be reduced to a wind up/clock work doll that people will think is just a bot. with a key people can wind me up, play with me and pose me. furthering the idea of a bot i would have only 9 or so set phrases to communicate with everyone. there's some other aspects as well which i can detail if anyone knowledgeable can help with. once its all in place and working it needs to be rlv'd sealed into me. never to be released.
A place full of news and information for people who love the idea of becoming a living doll. Wether its latex or plastic or even plushie.
Friday, January 28, 2011
almost too late

i was having a catch up session with the High Heel Place which to be honest i had totally forgotten about so it was a treat to revisit it. somewhere on the various message threads i saw mention of Schuh Black Patent Louis Court Shoe and people were really going on about them so i had to look.
now its strange imho as the basic black patent court shoe is a fetish staple so why all the interest? check out the pages customers ratings pop up window. one woman said: I love these shoes! As others have said, they really are something special! I have them in Turquoise & I call them my Barbie shoes as they arch my feet like Barbie's. When I put my feet in to them & stand up I feel like Barbie & they are a very Barbie colour. The high arch makes them feel higher than they are but also supports my feet better than other heels so I can wear them much longer. I brought them last summer when they were reduced. I always wanted them in black if they went on sale, but my size has sold out already :-(
i think maybe its also because from my reading is they are made really well and more comfortable than the 'fetish' shoe sellers. anyone who has purchased a pair of Pleaser heels can totally back me up on that.
oh did i mention they are now 1/2 price!!!!
so i had a look at the site all the while wondering about the state of my credit card and paypal account only to find out they are out of stock.. i almost wept. then noticing they are also available in different stores i called the main number to find out that no, the stores will not send them out. sighs..
good news is that i did discover they have an Ebay store where i was able to nab my size in 'Stone' color.
so if you need more shoes (don't we all) then try both the online shop as well as the ebay link and i hope you find the size your after.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
today i noticed something

i had crossed a point and hadn't even realized it at the time. so today was when i discovered it and its not really sunk in yet.
essentially i've been training my way up to 4.75-5" heels now for some time. today when i decided to wear an old pair of shoes i simply couldn't. my arch is so defined that any low to mid heel is too uncomfortable to wear. i've crossed that invisible line thats different for everyone so no one exactly knows where it is.
i'm totally fluid and comfortable in 5" wedges i normally wear. i have a few variations on the same basic design that i wear. i decided to a bit dressier and kinkier on tuesday and wore my 5.5" Oxford Courts shoes where noticed that i didn't have to by any stretch think about wearing them. ok, a bit of a lie - stairs i'm always extra careful on. thats just common sense. though for the most part they were as seamless to wear as the wedges.
bizarrely i am still ok on flats. its just anything in between.
so i'll be shopping only for 5"s or higher now which is where i spotted these Zoe wedge heels in clear industrial plastic of some sort. totally useless in winter (i am enquiring about boots btw) and will be added to my 'want' and 'buy' list.

any heel lovers out there please direct me to sites that sell 5"s and hire exclusively. and no 'pleasers' so not count as they they take forever to break in.

my current obsession
well one of them anyway is the photo i've previously posted about bellow. i'm now waiting on the actual issue of UK VOGUE to arrive so I can carefully slice it out, scan it and get it blown up into a poster which i'll hang on the wall like its a window...
i'm still working on it, although to be honest i put it down on thursday and have not been as feverish as i had been.
where are the inspiration for it come from besides the photo. well for one there's an old 90's horror film called 'WaxWorks' that has some very kinky scenes in it. here's one:
there's more of course on youtube if you care to dig deeper.
another element that dovetails into the ongoing story is the mannequin seduction scenes i've detailed previous in postings about it here.
now the really weird thing for those of you who have read it is this recent news announcement 100 Year Old French House of Louis Mantin Opens Its Doors which i just found out about today.
i'm still working on it, although to be honest i put it down on thursday and have not been as feverish as i had been.
where are the inspiration for it come from besides the photo. well for one there's an old 90's horror film called 'WaxWorks' that has some very kinky scenes in it. here's one:
there's more of course on youtube if you care to dig deeper.
another element that dovetails into the ongoing story is the mannequin seduction scenes i've detailed previous in postings about it here.
now the really weird thing for those of you who have read it is this recent news announcement 100 Year Old French House of Louis Mantin Opens Its Doors which i just found out about today.
Friday, January 21, 2011
an image that needs captioning

i've been investigating (or rather tripping upon) several doll blogs and when i say dolls i mean those expensive hyperrealistic sex dolls.
now i spotted this image captioned over atSamantha de Savory's caption blog who has rather excellent taste in source imagery and i'm not sure if all of them are dolls or just the central one. or perhaps none at all? or maybe they all should be and they're waiting doll like to be called the the lab or plastic pool.
she kindly me provided with a blank image she worked from so i can post it here in hopes that my 3,000 daily hits will inspire someone to do a caption with it. hopefully more than just one of course.
meanwhile, do visit her blog as today's entry is so spot on for a mannequin transformation caption i couldn't believe it and an earlier on the same page has a female mannequin....
tighter but not too tight

it could be a january thing, post Xmas obligatory diet or all just a coincidence really.
it starts off spotting and getting what i would call a 'fashion bondage belt' or cinche on sale in a mall. ok it was pretty cheap and i've never had one so i bought it for the few bucks it was. the exact design is its 3 inches wide and a section of the back is made of thick stretch material and the front part is wider leather with 3 buckles. wearing it as tight as i could of course with all the holes on the belt aspect used up; i quickly grew to like the feeling. the constant pressure did seem to help my tummy as it had something to strain against so some sort of constant muscle activity (guessing like those electric current device).
obviously its not a real corset by any stretch of the imagination although designed to look like one. i had to admit it did hold me in a bit. after a few days of constant wear which even btw included a nap i thought hmmm i think i need something like this which actually does more. so i started to look around and spotted a small add on fetlife for a British co with two that looked amazing. its 3 buckles and you can see it at Kink Accesories. on the verge of buying it with paypal i heard back about my size questions and it turns out too sadly these too were 'fashion' corsets / cinches that had no real waist tightening ability.

so further googling revealed a site on corsets and specifically old corsets and cinches. the article that caught my eye was Reducing Corset with all these old rubber adverts. however, scrolling down i discovered that there is a south american modern brand called Squeem.
starting a thread on fetlife's Corsets and Corsetry (you need to be registered to read it btw) there's still an on going debate about them so i'm still researching them before i start with one. feel free to chip in.

i'm still fascinated; literally rubber bondage undergarments going back to the 30's and still available in modern times. i can legitmetly wear something so kinky all day including business meeting/office work and not feel embarrassed of the fact.
soon i'll be on my way to a corseted waist and i feel it may prove to be as addictive to my latex and heel obsessions.
not so much of a story as a scene
Evil Dolly is fetish authoress who is well known for her story Eudeamon which is now in print and also responsible for the hard core rubberisation and isolations of the Banes in Second Life.
sadly she's not written any new stories for awhile although i did discover a little web generator she now has on her homepage just for all of us here; Random Slave Roll Generator
it only took a few goes to get my perfect role:
Latex Doll
Lovely, a doll. One can always use more dolls to pretty up the place, don’t you think? A doll exists to be an idealized version of the feminine beauty. Dolls beautify the environment. You may find them scattered about the mansion, or even as collections in private chambers. From now on, you’re nothing more than a toy: a thing to be dressed up, made over, played with... you exist to have things done to you, but not to do anything yourself. There are many kinds of dolls: dress forms, living statue, wind-up toys, marionettes. You might wear a porcelain mask or you might simply wear makeup. But first you must excel at being a basic doll, so that’s where you’ll start. Sitting and looking pretty isn’t as easy as it sounds. One gets restless. One gets bored. But you’ll be trained to overcome your natural urges and remain perfectly still, staring into space for hours on end. You’ll learn to gather dust gracefully. We do offer hypnotic brainwashing for those who are unable to achieve such stillness. This training doesn’t mean that you’ll never move on your own, but you must master that skill first. Even if a Lady chooses to give you pleasure, you’ll have learned to remain nearly motionless and outwardly placid during your orgasms. It’s not such a bad thing to be a doll. Being a doll means you’ll be dressed in a variety of items – some pretty, some bizarre – but being a latex doll means that every piece of your wardrobe, from top to bottom, will be shiny, skin tight latex. And, unless you’re assigned to sit somewhere or taken to bed, you’ll sleep in a doll box: a locked box with a clear display window on one side, lined with latex. There you can dream sweet doll dreams.
go have a try!
sadly she's not written any new stories for awhile although i did discover a little web generator she now has on her homepage just for all of us here; Random Slave Roll Generator
it only took a few goes to get my perfect role:
Latex Doll
Lovely, a doll. One can always use more dolls to pretty up the place, don’t you think? A doll exists to be an idealized version of the feminine beauty. Dolls beautify the environment. You may find them scattered about the mansion, or even as collections in private chambers. From now on, you’re nothing more than a toy: a thing to be dressed up, made over, played with... you exist to have things done to you, but not to do anything yourself. There are many kinds of dolls: dress forms, living statue, wind-up toys, marionettes. You might wear a porcelain mask or you might simply wear makeup. But first you must excel at being a basic doll, so that’s where you’ll start. Sitting and looking pretty isn’t as easy as it sounds. One gets restless. One gets bored. But you’ll be trained to overcome your natural urges and remain perfectly still, staring into space for hours on end. You’ll learn to gather dust gracefully. We do offer hypnotic brainwashing for those who are unable to achieve such stillness. This training doesn’t mean that you’ll never move on your own, but you must master that skill first. Even if a Lady chooses to give you pleasure, you’ll have learned to remain nearly motionless and outwardly placid during your orgasms. It’s not such a bad thing to be a doll. Being a doll means you’ll be dressed in a variety of items – some pretty, some bizarre – but being a latex doll means that every piece of your wardrobe, from top to bottom, will be shiny, skin tight latex. And, unless you’re assigned to sit somewhere or taken to bed, you’ll sleep in a doll box: a locked box with a clear display window on one side, lined with latex. There you can dream sweet doll dreams.
go have a try!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
the music box doll
Rosaura Lezama's Creatures Collection™: THE MUSIC BOX DOLL from Rosaura Lezama on Vimeo.
well i don't think she's a monster. pretty, pretty - aspirational for wannabe goth dollies.xx
you are forever young as a mannequin

i was hunting around ebay to kill time as one does and looking up 'doll' and 'wig' to see what i could find. surprise, surprise i found an blonde wig on a model that looked almost totally like a mannequin. weirder still (or co-incidently) the brand of wig is called 'Forever Young'.
the first photo i found was so mannequin like. the others bellow less so.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
i didn't think green would work
thats a very well tailored suit. i wonder who made it?
UPDATE: i was thinking it was Fantastic Rubber and i wasn't 100% sure so i threw it out to the readers. i should of gone with my instincts and demonstrated just how good a latex spotter i am. it is in fact Fantastic Rubber.
sometimes the images come to you

i think i'm pretty good at developing plot scenes and elements to stories. i'm not too good at dialog and all the rest that goes into stories. hense if anyone wants to help as an editor or writing partner i'd very much like to hear from you. usually i put too much into the mix and to be better, my excessive descriptions need to be trimmed with a big knife.
so i was working through a fashion messaging board in russia that has amazing fashion scans and found this sequence of a fashion shoot and it fits one of my un-written stories like the proverbial glove.
of course i'll be an utter tease and just show the photo's as i've not actually put pen to paper as they say.
meanwhile my obsession for the photo of the gilded room has produce a very yummy story which i've been writing over the last few days. 'writing' maybe a loose term in actual fact. i swear i'm channeling it from somewhere. i seem to be possessed when writing it.
if your in SL and come visit me in the giant diamond trap on Doll Island, i'll give u a draft. a very special thanks to Shape Shifter who posted more details of it in comments. i'll be revisiting her blog soon and detailing it soon and also hunting down that referenced issue of VOGUE UK simply to have that one image. i'll have it blown up and it will go on my wall like a window into the room.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
omg shoes!
i've been somewhat obsessed by the shoes in the gilded room photo and have gotten no where fast trying to find them. i did however find this funny video along my way.
i guess this is a fetishists problem with fashion; one season your item is hot and easy to find - two years later you need to look in goodwill or salvation army to find them. if your not paying attention to celebrities or totally up to date with the fashion magazines you may miss a potentially perfect item.
i guess this is a fetishists problem with fashion; one season your item is hot and easy to find - two years later you need to look in goodwill or salvation army to find them. if your not paying attention to celebrities or totally up to date with the fashion magazines you may miss a potentially perfect item.
viral video of course
as spotted on Rubberist.net and correctly observed that its a viral video:
i don't think a true fetishist would be so cavalier throwing the skirt on the floor after removing it.
i don't think a true fetishist would be so cavalier throwing the skirt on the floor after removing it.
Friday, January 14, 2011
any expert shoe spotters to my aid?

i'm currently developing a short story based on this image above which i've been sharing the draft versions with friends in Second Life.
are there more images from that shoot? must of been a magazine editorial.
does anyone know anything about them? i think their Dior either from 2010 or before. i'd even settle for knock offs if such a thing exists.
corset and leggings by Libidex
according to their recent email newsletter. no mention of where all the other costumes are from.
the corset is their Valeria Corset with closed front in Mannequin color btw.
the corset is their Valeria Corset with closed front in Mannequin color btw.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
of course you can do it to dolls..
this a friend in London's fetish. i wasn't even aware it was a fetish at all to be honest. how it develops in a person i have absolutely no idea. from the other referenced images on youtube it must be larger that i'd even begin to imagine.
i think she needs to get a good mask so she can do it for real... or maybe i'll just mail her my head/mask for her to use.
i think she needs to get a good mask so she can do it for real... or maybe i'll just mail her my head/mask for her to use.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
a teaser in comments

i noticed they will sell blank unpainted masks too as well as doll hand gloves.

you can buy japanese dolls in japan
and now there's even videos of real women pretending to be dolls.
kindly spotted and sent in by IB (abbreviated name of course). definitely NSFW so close this window now:
i bet there's actual videos with fuckdolls, though i find it more interesting that there's a need for videos of models posing as dolls.
kindly spotted and sent in by IB (abbreviated name of course). definitely NSFW so close this window now:
i bet there's actual videos with fuckdolls, though i find it more interesting that there's a need for videos of models posing as dolls.
its 2011.. where's all the space suits and jet packs?

its one of those constant questions that plagues me.
i'd settle for a good space helmet for a photo shoot and i can't even find one of those. this is the best i could do on google images.
anyone care to direct me to a store/shop/website or better fashion spreads along these lines?
or maybe this is just my bubble fetish manifesting in another way?

Thursday, January 06, 2011
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
under a spell
start of a doll case
i still harbour a very strong fetish for mannequins, doll cases and window displays. something truely kinky about those mannequins trapped behind glass. i wish i could be taken into their world... maybe one day i will.
so i was pretty delighted to see that Kink Engineering is heading rather rapidly towards a vac bed like doll case with their vertical vac monolith which i've just spotted on their site.

the green doesn't do it for me but the second person does... reminds me of my weekend adventures on Doll Island in Second Life where my traditional silence and reservedness was ripped aside and i caved into the pleasures presented to me. at one point there was a massive crowd watching as we were sealed into a block of lucite together.. i could of stayed that way for weeks in SL or longer with the right encouragement. i think she would of too. ;-)
so it was when wandering around Doll Island looking at case and display stand i found a giant diamond. i had tried one before and it timed out at 5 min. no where near enough.
the curious cat of course found another one with unexpected results. there were no controls, no timer. i didn't know that as i hopped into it.

so here i am trapped again in a giant diamond on the Doll Island Castle. i have no idea how to get out. i've asked a friend to tp in and try touching it and all the usual controls - they don't even show up.
i'll be here for some time..... least i can im if you want to chat.
so i was pretty delighted to see that Kink Engineering is heading rather rapidly towards a vac bed like doll case with their vertical vac monolith which i've just spotted on their site.

the green doesn't do it for me but the second person does... reminds me of my weekend adventures on Doll Island in Second Life where my traditional silence and reservedness was ripped aside and i caved into the pleasures presented to me. at one point there was a massive crowd watching as we were sealed into a block of lucite together.. i could of stayed that way for weeks in SL or longer with the right encouragement. i think she would of too. ;-)
so it was when wandering around Doll Island looking at case and display stand i found a giant diamond. i had tried one before and it timed out at 5 min. no where near enough.
the curious cat of course found another one with unexpected results. there were no controls, no timer. i didn't know that as i hopped into it.

so here i am trapped again in a giant diamond on the Doll Island Castle. i have no idea how to get out. i've asked a friend to tp in and try touching it and all the usual controls - they don't even show up.
i'll be here for some time..... least i can im if you want to chat.
Second Life Resolution upgrades
not being much of a geek i was surprised to be informed by my artist friend Pye that there's something called Meshing which is used in video games and that SL is experimenting with it. good news is i don't need a new video card (it wouldn't fit in my mac mini anyway). here's a sample:
then even more curious an anime start re-rendered in world in this new format;
who then escapes into reality as a live on stage hologram:
i wonder if it will be possible to actually wear your av?
then even more curious an anime start re-rendered in world in this new format;
who then escapes into reality as a live on stage hologram:
i wonder if it will be possible to actually wear your av?
Sunday, January 02, 2011
cross fertilizing ideas
i have mentioned in the past my posts about looking wider a field to see who else was dealing with transformations into dolls and found the lovely captions by Brenda Big Tits which had a lovely tone and some were very spot on no matter what gender of the doll to be was started with. we started emailing and to inspire her a bit i send over loads of MB of images that were very mannequin / doll like.
the results are on her blog now so go look at the latest entry here.

she also took up call to caption the doll and collared pvc girl and i really liked it but wanted more depth to it, so with her permission i used it as a base, expanded it and sent it back to her who deftly trimmed it further.
the result is above and i think its really very good.
ps; links fixed and to post in comments - sometimes its the only thing that keeps us creative types going...
the results are on her blog now so go look at the latest entry here.

she also took up call to caption the doll and collared pvc girl and i really liked it but wanted more depth to it, so with her permission i used it as a base, expanded it and sent it back to her who deftly trimmed it further.
the result is above and i think its really very good.
ps; links fixed and to post in comments - sometimes its the only thing that keeps us creative types going...
Saturday, January 01, 2011
a series of encasements

i'm usually encased in a doll box of some sort when in second life. is my preferred state to be honest. i am my own screen saver. i do occasionally try other objects. above part of a harp.

a liquid latex fountain. i much prefer non commercial yet busy places. i can be left this way for months.

Miss JaneDoe was always very good at keeping me locked up and attended too. here's an evil tube whose time locks were set to months and months on end. suit is an inworld reproduction of my mannequin catsuit made by Rubbers Finest.

i also had some time like a ship in a bottle. here a domme teased me as dommes tend too with promises of total latex objectifction and utter control - they never come through however or loose interest and abandon me. actually i like this bottle a lot as it reminded me of story called Lesbians in a Bottle which i've now figured out how to realise in world. do go read the story - its on Legacy of Time Less Beauty.

Bubbles have also always been a fascination and here somewhere in space i float encased by bubblegirl Sophie.
ps; more posts when i get over this crappy cold.
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