That's my Doll
Dedicated to my Mistress and hopefully one day Owner - Venomiss
I wait patiently at the place my Mistress has told me to, a deserted street on the less attractive side of town. Fully industrial there are no houses in sight, and being a weekend no-one is visible.
I feel very alone and scared. The taxi driver that dropped me off took my last amount of cash and departed quickly. I am obeying every rule my Mistress gave me. I have no money, no ID, are wearing only the most basic clothes, a bra, panties, short denim skirt, tee shirt and slip on flat heeled shoes. No purse or handbag was allowed.
After what seems like forever a white painted van pulls up and the driver opens the back door and indicates to a wooden crate in the back.
“Strip and get in” he barks at me.
Feeling very venerable I take off my clothes and drop them on the ground, as he indicates I should. I then climb into the back of the van and then into the heavy wooden crate inside, trying to keep some aspects of my femininity hidden, as best I could. I don’t like the way he stares at me as if I was a tray of meat on offer.
I may be a sub, but I am a woman and entitled to some respect….
A deluge of Polyester foam padding, used in pillows etc descends on my head. I struggle to pack the layers around me, which continue to rain down on me as fast as I can pack. Soon my arms are buried and the man’s strong arms continue to ram in more and more padding.
The loud hammering of nails being driven into the lid of the crate remind me I am a woman, naked, packed tight in Polyester foam and now nailed up inside a crate, inside a ordinary day to day white van.
Who am I kidding? I am whatever my Mistress wants me to be!
The van finally set off with me being bounced around in my crate. It was now I realised how well my Mistress had looked after her doll. Without the packing I would be covered in bruises. Instead I am packed tight inside a protective shell of Polyester!
Hours seem to pass and then I heard the van backing up.
“Right, parcel for Mistress V” I heard the driver say.
“Oh yes” a strange male voice replied, “Took you long enough! Mistress V has been waiting for this all morning. She is always impatient when a new mould is coming.”
“Come on and help me get it on the forklift.”
I felt myself being shoved and pulled around and then suddenly lifted into the air. I could hear the noise as the forklift carried me to who knows where.
“In here” said the male voice again.
After a few minutes I could here the lid of my crate being prised open. After hours in the dark the sudden light blinded me. Long enough that the men opening the crate could grab me, apply a tape blindfold over my eyes, cuff my hands behind my back, my ankles together and lift me out of the crate.
It all happened so quick I never saw their faces or any details about where I was. Again I was overwhelmed by my Mistresses total attention to detail.
The men quickly guided me to what I could feel was a Sack Barrow, normally used to move large pieces of furniture etc. Straps around my ankles, legs, waist, and chest secured me in place. The straps were so tight I could not move a muscle. Once again I was helpless.
The way my captors moved me from one position of helplessness to the next was totally overwhelming, but also totally marvellous. I was in the hands of experts and the feeling of peace I got from knowing that I was completely in their hands was wonderful. No decisions needed from me, just relax and enjoy the ride :-)
I could feel myself being wheeled along and wondered what was in store for me next.
“Here” commanded a woman’s voice. “MY MISTRESS” leapt my heart, trying to burst out of my chest!
I was unstrapped, lifted into the air and then I found myself lying on a hard bed. I had been with Mistress enough to know it was her operating bed. Tight rubber straps again secured me in seconds. The handcuffs biting into my wrists and ankles reminded me how helpless I was.
What was about to happen to me? I wondered.
I felt a slight stab around my groin and realised that my mistress had inserted a urinary catheter into me. I knew that had one meaning, whatever bondage she had in plan for me I was not going to be able to toilet for some time. My heart leapt at the prospect!
“Right Doll” whispered my Mistress in my ear. I had known her long enough to know when she whispers you are in very big big trouble. She has a very entertaining treat in store for you.
“We are going to make you the ultimate doll.”
I tried to say something, but the words evaporated in my mouth. All I could do was smile and pray I was up to the expectations my Mistress had of me.
Suddenly I felt a funny stabbing feeling in different places around my body. My upper legs, my arms, the back of my neck, my throat. In fact in dozens of places around my body.
“OK Doll, no need for the straps or handcuffs now” said my Mistress.
I felt her undoing the straps, rolling me over and removing the cuffs, and finally removing my blindfold.
Great I thought and started to sit up.
It was then I noticed my Mistress had a remote control in her hand. She pushed a button and I felt every muscle in my body go limp. I fell back onto the table with a crash!
Every voluntary muscle was paralysed!
I couldn’t move a muscle!
I couldn’t speak!
Even my eyes stayed fixed ahead!
“Well my little doll” quietly whispered my Mistress in my ear. “Now you see my new toy in action. It uses a small electric charge to override the nerve control from your brain. A slave in the states stole it off the American military. Using this control, not only can I control what you can move, I can control whether you can speak, what you look at and even if you feel pain.”
She pushed and button and my entire body lit up in pain. Seconds of that convinced me that I would never try to overcome the “Toy”. I was hers, completely and without mercy. The ultimate doll!
“Right, stage two” she said to the men waiting in the corners. They lifted me off the bed and strapped me back onto the Sack Barrow. Mistress pushed a button and my eyelids closed.
It was infuriating and wonderful. I had no control over my own body. A push of a button decided if I could see, if I could talk, or if I could move. I really was a doll.
I felt myself being moved to another room. This time I was unstrapped and just left standing. The “Toy” held me steady and immobile!
Then I felt myself suspended in the air somehow. Suddenly my eyes opened to see my Mistress looking down on me with a huge smile.
“This is another “Toy” one of my slaves “acquired” for Me.” She said.
“You are suspended on a magnetic cushion. No part of your body in contact with anything. In a minute it will lower you into a vat of a top secret flexible polymer compound the military are testing to protect tanks. I will put cups over your eyes, nose and mouth, but the rest of you will be encased in a total layer of the material”
A huge smile spread over her face. “It will give you a beautiful doll like appearance and make you completely safe.” An even bigger smile appeared, “Of course you will never be able to remove it, because of its incredible strength!”
“And my lovely”, she whispered, “Once I hook you up to the computer via your remote control, your every action, your every word, your every look, will be determined by me. You will be my doll forever.”
My heart leapt at the thought! Never again would I need to worry about anything! My world was now what my Mistress wanted. I tried to say thank you, but couldn’t speak, I tried to smile, but couldn’t move my face muscles.
“That’s my doll,” whispered my Mistress with a smile.
A place full of news and information for people who love the idea of becoming a living doll. Wether its latex or plastic or even plushie.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
fetish haute couture
seems the designers are now using latex from Libidex's sister company Radical Rubber for various new collections, as witnessed by Theirry Mugler Catwalk Show in his 2011/2012 Autumn/Winter collection at Paris Fashion week.
on the the items was a long coat was worn for a cover shoot and spread in i-D magazine by Lady Gaga. images of that shoot and the cover can be found detailed here.
on the the items was a long coat was worn for a cover shoot and spread in i-D magazine by Lady Gaga. images of that shoot and the cover can be found detailed here.
BNIB: i was offered them first...

thanks to a couple of people for pointing out this auction on ebay uk listing for a pair of Black Patent Pony Boots sz 37.
the seller is actually a reader and i was offered them for FREE!! first and sadly they'd never fit. thanks for thinking of me everyone. oh and there's a pair of ballet boots listed with other boots too by the same seller.
next on my latex list

i couldn't find it so i assembled two styles of blouses i liked. sort of faeries from Lord of the Rings.
i plan on getting it made in a couple of months. i after all a self made doll ;-)
silver mask
i found this on the excellent tumblr feed perfectly still which i check often and it wasn't the huge latex breasts that had me excited, rather the shape and definition of the mask.

has anyone spotted them online? most are devoid of gender and any form of defining definition. actually i like the outfit besides the melons she's wearing.

has anyone spotted them online? most are devoid of gender and any form of defining definition. actually i like the outfit besides the melons she's wearing.
coming pretty soon

is a story written by Brenda Big Tits with some support and input from me.
she's just put up two entries with latex in them so she's waiting for her next update before it goes up.
i provide the photo ;-)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
surprised Lady Gaga doesn't have a pair already
or even a closet full of them? she has the beginning of little buds of horns already. £1,300 'designer' heels that look just like horses' hooves although they are cheating a bit by having actual heels on them imho. check the link for more info and more photo's.
i still sort of regret missing those hoof boots that were made in australia a good ten years ago. still maybe these till trickle down to the major brands some day?

a nifty little 60's ditty
very odd little song. i wonder what it would sound like if tweaked a bit and rerecorded by a singer with a better voice?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
elements for illustration
Rihanna - S&M - Come On
i heard about the video with photo's from it first and really not listened too it. i do like it although the video only has a few nice scenes in it for my taste. love her dress she wears on the grass. must add something like that to my list... ;-)
what do you think?
what do you think?
a new spin on those hokey business posters
what happened to this SL store
does it still exist or can someone recommend similar ones? i love the female gynoid body:

it reminds me of a very old fetish story - one of the first i read - which has a woman sealed into a chrome suit. i'll post a link once i remember it and of course can find it. i believe it was written by robotdoll.

it reminds me of a very old fetish story - one of the first i read - which has a woman sealed into a chrome suit. i'll post a link once i remember it and of course can find it. i believe it was written by robotdoll.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
once a week for about four weeks
i've been buying 5" heels to expand my collection. my lovely 4"s and lower are simply not getting worn at all. i just bought another pair this weekend.
i also have a custom order for knee high wedge black pvc boots - custom i might add - which i should have by the end of the month. they should look somewhat like the bellow with obviously thicker calfs due to me having thicker calfs than the photo.

the next pair will definitely the be clear plastic 5"s from the polish online store. so will order those will buy next week with a bit of luck.
is that enough heels for now? ;-)
i also have a custom order for knee high wedge black pvc boots - custom i might add - which i should have by the end of the month. they should look somewhat like the bellow with obviously thicker calfs due to me having thicker calfs than the photo.

the next pair will definitely the be clear plastic 5"s from the polish online store. so will order those will buy next week with a bit of luck.
is that enough heels for now? ;-)
i only just saw the video...
how did i miss it? really its simply because I barely watch TV shows that have not been dl'd.
now the question should be how did all my regular readers not spot it and tell me about it? please do contribute. if nothing else it lets me know that someones reading it.
i'd love to know as well if you found the blog inspiring at all; in any way really.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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