a couple recent stories from the UK's kinkiest newspaper 'The Daily Mail" - and apparently one of the more conservative ones people keep writing me is a couple of ideas that really should be made in latex. well i thinks so anyway.

first is sort of a cocoon / hammock affair as detailed
here. how about it
Kink Engineering? do you think its a good idea? maybe it depends on how high your ceiling is and a few other issues. thats also a lot of latex.
it would definitely need to be chlorinated so the latex wouldn't get suck to you when getting in and out.
the other idea is purely a matter of color combinations when making a dress as illustrated by Kate Winslet bellow

i think that dress would look amazing in latex - though i'm just biased as it think most clothes would be better in latex. full story (such as it is) can be found in the article
Optical Illusion Dress .