Sunday, July 24, 2011

a tease

i still need a volunteer to help me finish off a couple of short captions and stories. above is one image and here's a peek at some text:

Mistress was carrying a few bags of her own and pulled out a pair of white pantyhose from a plastic bag with some obscure glyph on it. She offered it to her as a gift if she put them on now with the dress. She smiled at the older tall woman and took them semi-reluctantly to the changing stall. The shop girl watched from a distance as this strange seduction played out in front of her.

As if entranced she stepped out of the small curtained changing room like a doll walking out of her box. The tights were a solid cloud white bar detailing around the knees and ankles. They were doll joints like on japanese dolls and they added such a unique twist to the outfit. Looking down at herself she thought to herself that it would look a lot better with a matching long sleeve sheer top with matching dol joints for her arms. She commanded to pose, she did, twirl, she did, stand still and stiff and she did as her future Mistress circled her.

so if you can help please email me...


1 comment:

Agithe said...

volunteer ?
I would like to volunteer, well it is perhaps a bit dangerous to volunteer here,
since according to the stories volunteers have a tendency to end up with permanent positions.