Sunday, February 04, 2018

its so fall 2018 isn't it daaaaaling...

you saw in here first. not sure if the hoods will be snapped up by the fashion crowd.

will i get more hits?

pretty nimble in those latex killer heel thigh boots.



Agithe said...

I don't get fashion, I get that there are different types for different occasions but what occasion are those things for? (I am thinking of the whole getups).

on another note.
the "Inspector Rex" episode "Hexen und andere Frauen"
Has the last victim a woman kept captive in an airtight glass coffin connected to a ventilator.

Mike09 said...

I never heard a more annoying song than that one. I can't watch the video. Is too annoying!

Elizabeth Rees said...

My god! Maybe 1% or 2% of those outfits are something that a sane person might choose to wear...