Thursday, September 10, 2020

they must of used teeny models

i bought one of these off amazon and had a custom deep purple glossy sleeve made. love it but its no where near the size illustrated. model must be 4 foot nothing.

get one here or on amazon 

or if you can't get enough carbs - monster sized food ones are a thing. even sushi, prawns etc.


my crowd sourced weight anxiety blanket arrived - wow is it heavy. i feel i need to get it a case/sleeve in latex as well. perhaps black which will contrast nicely. the existing latex duvet cover must be decomposing in storage (still to much locked up after forced move)

given my current attire (trapped) in Second Life, I am also looking around for human mummy shaped one and bet there's a japanese anime fetish for it. so far its just printed anime characters on long tubes.

perhaps i have a two for plan......  or is it training?


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