actually none at all, but after finally getting YIM running at home and alot of left msgs, I figured post which is specifically for people to leave links in would be a good idea. So either email them to me at yahoo simply add a comment.
oh yes and photo's, scans and stories also welcomed.
A place full of news and information for people who love the idea of becoming a living doll. Wether its latex or plastic or even plushie.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
More Jones, the Plastic Mannequin Body

this I understand was part of the Allen Jones Pirrelli calander back in the late 60's or early 70's. wether it was just the photo or if it was an art peice I have no idea. still the idea is cool and it looks like it can be strapped in from the back, holding the wearer in place. Not the best scan, but all I could for the time being.
now it would be more interesting if that was just the beginning of the suit, with the arms, legs and face to be added, converting the model into an immovable mannequin.
Spot the Supermodel
More kinkyness disguised as 'Art'

looks like the best way to get away with publicly indulging in my fetishes is to be an 'artist'. seems all the really interesting stuff is being called 'Art'. here's a clipping I found from a magazine which I had accidently trimmed too much from so can't tell who it is.
i do recall its a female artist who in the shot has made a plastic cast of herself which she is wearing in the photograph.
anyone know anymore? who she is etc?
personally if i were to do the same thing, I'd take time to make sure I my waist was reduced and also make my breast larger. think she should of too.
More Japanese dolls....

damn they have all the cool stuff out there, all those super high tech electronics and mobiles phones that are 5 years ahead of the bricks we have here - and there's alot of costume play and doll suit wearing.
here's a site that has interesting photos, but I have no idea what anyone is saying. suggestions for working translation sites welcomed.
still we can enjoy the photo's can't we?
Models + Photoshop = Art ?

the idea of wearing a suit to turn you into a living doll is very appealing. I'm waiting on an order of a couple of zentai suits as I type. But take a model and some clever photoshop working and the result is 'Art' - reportadly.
or at least weird photos that look like they were taken from a serial killers layer or an episode of CSI.
you decide;
When viewed from a certain angle..

well I was looking for something else on ebay as one does - the Mui Mui black rain boots made from molded rubber or PVC - and when I found a pair I had a look at the sellers store and found them in different sizes and also the infamous heeless ones.
the shoes I had spotted on the train are in fact YSL wedges which the ebay seller still has:
have a search for item; 7739466589
and seller theitalianconnection
now if they were all totally clear - that would be cool.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
More from Allen Jones - Doll Maker
If I was a mannequin maker
Doll-ish poses....

well I have been flicking through magazines waiting for trains to finally depart and found a couple of shots I thought I'd share.
One is Kate from LOST in a very cute dolly pose and the other is Gwen Steffani in an oversized chair - either that or she is really small....
so the doll meme in the media continues on....
A Large Stash of Dita's

found the original source of the Dita Von Tease aka Mrs Marilyn Manson. Seems she makes an excellent doll, don't you all agree. The suit does look abit loose in places. If it was me I'd want it in latex or something so tight I could barely move...
btw - you will need to join Doll Suit Wearers to look at the photos.
pixel me this, pixel me that, so many choices

as if getting dressed in the morning isn't a big decession making process, how about try the Candy Doll Maker at
countless hours can be lost looking through all the clothes, shoes and hair to create your prefect look. well I lost countless hours and still not exactly what I wanted. ;-)
still there's more cool clothes there than the GAP will ever have. and I think I'm now after a pair of wings for my nights out...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Spotted at the Skin Two Ball this year
Some would call this all deviant....

ok, its my fetish and I like it....
...but some out there may just think it's deviant. I think the GAP, Starbucks and War are deviant - but that's just me.
so I had a look at
and found alot of artwork and photo's of dolls of various sorts. Some very pretty, some sexy, others scarey and alot that were just utter crap.
none the less there are some gems in there so go have a look and do a search for 'Doll' or 'Dolls' and when you notice its in the thousands add extra terms like plastic.
images above are:
Salandre_doll by salandre
porcelain_doll by BlueBlack
Plastic by 7pixels
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Howling at the moon.....

it maybe a bit new agey, a bit hippy or something, but does anyone else notice the effects of the full moon? Traditionally its been a time witches have used for their rituals to make magic. And of course there are were wolves.
Maybe there's a way to be a were doll? Totally opposite of the hairy were wolf admittedly, but worth a shot. A couple of days of month at night seems like a good starting point for a doll transformation.
I for one will be wearing my latex catsuit all day tommorrow, in hope that the magic is realised and I become one with latex and converted into a latex doll....
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Just seal me in clear latex from head to toe

Rubber 55 is a new company to the latex scene in the UK (why are they all in the UK? is it because it rains all the time there?) who started off small by listing items on ebay. Now they have a new website / store with a range of tight and colourfull latex items.
a friend over there was given a catsuit from them when they were still selling on ebay and she said it was an excellent fit and extremely well made.
check out the catsuits and other items on their site, but its a real pitty the images are sooo teeny. They have a good spread in the current issue of Heavy Rubber - another must for those who want to be dipped, soaked and sealed in latex.....
Clear heels and clear soles
Heel-less shoes found

thanks to the person from Amsterdam who emailed me about the heel-less shoes I spotted on ebay and also in the street. He had purchased a pair for his girlfriend and they get alot of attraction he said.
Very close in style and idea to what I saw, but I think the ones I saw were somewhat classier and more dangerous to wear as the protuding part for support was more minimal.
Still its a good start.
Friday, January 06, 2006
self promotion card, pass it on....

I took the idea that was done for the Dollcollective (bellow) and made my own as I signed up for email notifications from
ok, they're _really_ bad for spam, but the cards they do are really cheap and can be customised alot. They always have promotions on so wait a bit for the best deals.
waiting now for the cards to show up - 250 for $5 (actually thats the postage - the cards were FREE!!!) but I grabbed the final proof image off the site and here it is bellow. I think I'll start leaving them in cafe's, club and the fetish stores I frequent.
so download it and pass it around far and wide.... ;-)
Dip me.., paint me..., make me gold or white

another find which crosses over with my own little collection of fetishes - being painted. Could have something to do with the scene in James Bond Goldfinger or possibly somewhere else.
is dedicated to videos and stills of cuvery women painted gold and other colours. Including the green slave girl from the original star trek series. Loads of preview images and even some video clips to download.
No tips on how to get it on or off as it wouldn't be good to show up to work all green. Feel free to post replies on any supplies and experiences.
like the mannequin fetish I harbour, its about being changed, transformed into something else.....
Skin Two Ball 2004 - Rubber Sisters Appear

just found some archived shots on the net taken off the net last year of the Rubber Sisters at the London Skin Two Rubber Ball weekend in fall 2004. So here they are. enjoy....
I'll see what else I can find from the same site and track others down too.
Did anyone go at all and how was it? What did you wear?
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Zentai suit as a base for Zentai Doll

for those who don't know - Zentai means total or full coverage in Japanese and they're the source of these wonderfull suits. Wether its from the beat them up superhereos in spandex, or a spin off of other dress-up practices it seems Zentai's are becoming really popular due to several made to measure makers in germany and US along with far east sellers on ebay.
to see what can be done with a zentai suit check out
who uses it as base a her doll persona. Still I'd like some eyes and lips on there.
Dream heels are none at all.....

I spotted a woman on the train with something very similiar to these but besides my staring I never found out who made them or how much they were. Must of been hell if planning a night out with the girls.
So does anyone know where to get them, what they're called or even have a pair?
Still I think they'd be much much better if the base was totally clear as well as the straps and maybe higher.... 5 inches? ;-)
The Doll Maker - Bob Carlos Clarke
if your not familiar with the work of London Photographer 'Bob Carlos Clarke' then check out his folio and work on his homepage. I think he's way better than Helmet Newton and way kinkier.
Sorry I don't want to post a grab from it, just saying - go look at it now.
And also go grab the article he did for a photo magazine on Living Dolls which inlcudes alot of his more recent shot in a magazine PDF that can be _printed out_ (or opened in photoshop for trimming and saving).
Sorry I don't want to post a grab from it, just saying - go look at it now.
And also go grab the article he did for a photo magazine on Living Dolls which inlcudes alot of his more recent shot in a magazine PDF that can be _printed out_ (or opened in photoshop for trimming and saving).
Barbie's New Make Over
Barbie Mask found Once upon a Time

aaaahhh ebay.... don't you just love it? Full of wonderfull things and possibilities. Maybe you'll be more convinced knowing that the Barbie Mask was found on it sometime last year.
Not too sure when it was listed, how much it went for or even who sold it. Was there more than one or was it a one off? We may never know.
But just seeing the images, and now knowing the mask is possible makes my heart grow warm and my kinky fantasies kick into gear.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Music to Dollify by

music can be powerful, it can take you to a time and place in your memories so it's a good hypnotic trick to find an obscure track to use when self reading which can then also be used as a trigger.
So here's one to have a listen too. Its nice a mystical and magical. Right click to download but it should play in the browser too:
Molded Rubber Wigs
Contribute Images and Media!!!
well it seems people are contributing to the blog after only a few weeks of being live. Thanks everyone. come back often :-)
if there's any interesting news, images or finds please email them too me and I'll put them up. Links of course can be done within the replies.
if there's any interesting news, images or finds please email them too me and I'll put them up. Links of course can be done within the replies.
Mannequins or Art - Allen Jones recent work

this image has been floating around some of the ASFR/Mannequin sites for a couple of years now. Its claimed that they're perfect doll suits. (I wish) but they're infact only one statue/mannequin shot twice from differnt angles of Pop Artist Allen Jones more recent work.
Its as interesting for the mislabelling as seeing peoples fantasies and desires directed at something they want to be real.
Still we can all fantasise can't we - well at least untill we can live out those impossible dreams that call us in the night...
Japanese got there first

mannquins are for most people the closest thing to life sized dolls that they can see or play with. Which isn't neccesarily a bad thing and prob explains where my standing frozen in a large plastic box fetish came from (well that and 50's sci-fi movies where the heroine/victim is stuck in one of those cyrogenic tubes etc).
Here's a shot from a japanese window display - mannequins are life sized dolls, and have they're own display boxes too...
Dior is pushing Doll Make-up
High Fashion Latex Catsuits as base

spotted this on Firstview a year or so ago and just found my archive of images.
Not sure whose the designer so feel free to chip in - but it seems to be a variety of latex catsuits used as a base. Will it catch on? Were they selling them? Why didn't they actually fit the models better?
The metalics and the tans worked the best IMHO, so I'm just uploading those.
Still the point of latex is you can get it tight, very tight and it looks fab. So maybe it was just a gimick.
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