i'm still in Second Life, i was back to modeling at Powers of Creation and having pop'd over to the new Doll Island to say hello to a friend, she made sure i was wearing at RLV (Restrained Life Relay) and had me sucked into and trapped in a new case she designed.
the outfit was not purposely doll based, however it is SL version of my Fantastic Rubber Mannequin suit combined with basic molded stockings and a pair of classic black 5" court shoes.
so i'm stuck again. trapped in a case that says 'permanent doll' as you can see. i think Kit Lacy set the time to 300hrs and then realised it wasn't enough and added another 200. i don't think she wants to release me.
what i've been wanting to do for ages in SL is with RLV devices, keys or whatever is to totally automate myself. reduce my av to a remote controlled puppet to be controlled by passerbys or the key holders. there's a short list of specifications i'd like, so if you interested in helping me in this then please email or post in comments.
i don't think i will be let out of the case unless i have been reduced to this automatic rubber doll.
ps; is the blogger page looking odd? the sidebar is now at the bottom?
yeah, it's coming through a little skewed to me.
On the primary topic, have you considered Dominatech's iControl system? I've had some successes with moving the iCuff (menu access) script out of the cuffs and putting it into more clickable objects such as ER hoods and 'hair'. Considering the permissions on the Remote Control HUD, it wouldn't be too hard to whip up a script you could drop in to dispense on click as well. So, for instance, someone clicks on your ER hood, it brings up the iControl menu for them, and hands them a remote control HUD.
Hmm. Actually, I think I'm going to log in and do that right now. :-)
My, that's a nice cage to be trapped in.
Yeah, there's something off in the code for The Mad Scientist post from earlier; that's what's throwing the page out of whack. Couldn't tell you what the actual problem is, but I suspect it's the link you have in there that points back to the original London Telegraph article.
- Steve M
Sounds like you definitely need the Dollyteer from Doll Life.
Quoting from the notecard:
"=== The Dollyteer ===
The Dollyteer is a device that will turn you into a helpless doll.
With the Dollyteer, others can force you to pose at will - and even make you walk around as a puppet, controlled by a remote control!
It can also be setup to run automatically, forcing you pose at random or fixed intervals; great for building a little paranoia since you might never know when or where you'll be stuck posing or for how long!
The Dollyteer is RLV compatible and a wide range of restrictions can be imposed on you when you're stuck posing to make you even more helpless...
The Dollyteer also features a time lock system which among other things is perfect for self bondage. With this you can lock yourself up and suffer your own predicament with no other options available than prolonging it!
The Dollyteer is by default owner based, but you can make it available to the public. This will make anyone able to play with your Dollyteer - meaning that you will never know who controls you or how. Use this with caution as you might be stuck for a long time if you have noone to help you out. Remember; once someone takes control of your Dollyteer, you're pretty much at their mercy."
The two things that come to mind are the Dollyteer (already been talked about) and the iControl unit (also talked about).
I've used both and for remote control use, they do the same thing however iControl has a bit more finite control over your SL AV but it also is more expensive.
They are both good although the iControl would require some modifications to make it work how you want it to while the Dollyteer is already set up for the public to fuss with you.
All you need is some sort of way to attract people to puppet you around and you'll be good to go ^^
BTW I think I'm going to go do what Chrissy Abbot said...I want people to access my iControl but it's such a pain having to hand them a remote control all the time ^^;
Feasibly even an OpenCollar would work for just setting various RLV options. They can be set to 'Open Access', though I'd suggest finding a friend you could set as an owner so you yourself weren't one and had *no* access to it. ;)
The scripts work easily in things other than a physical collar too, of course.
i like these:
and this:
so it looks like there's a few things to merge into one.
So whenever you log into Second Life you're a doll that's completely at the mercy of anyone passing?
How is that doing to work in practice, are there enough people around to keep the level of interaction with your doll interesting, or are you going to spend most of your time in one place unable to move, waiting for someone to activate you?
When you are confined to a cage, how much time do you log on Second Life? Do you have yourself visible in a window while you do other stuff?
I'm just trying to get a handle on what you're doing to get out of being completely controlled in Second Life.
Way back in the days of furrymuck there were things like RLV. But that was a long time ago and the wrench is in another country.
>So whenever you log into Second Life you're a doll that's completely at the mercy of anyone passing?
for x amount of time and assuming i'm not locked on display. the controls would be limited to certain things. before my key made me dance etc
i do keep a presence online in sl but i'm not there often. i am my own screen saver is my fav saying.
one of my fetishes is glass display cases so being trapped in one i could do for months - and have done in the past.
Second life really makes dtreams a semi true.
By the way, this situation reminded the latest kigurumi fiction story by Sft. As a constant reader of your blog, I'd strongly recommend the story (http://chan3.org/kigu/res/3012.html) to you.
Regards, Wind
The iController can be left on Public mode with restrictions. If you set a designated primary owner, they can override any current situations you may be in. But essentially you could set any number of RLV folders as complete avis you could be "turned into" on a moments notice (with AOs and prim attachments included such as chatters and doll items) and force sat on locked objects. Again, with primary with the option to unlock and tp you to wherever.
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