i just found a stash of yummy latex images on Doll Collective Yahoo Group in the Dolly Inspiration folder. have a look and be inspired to write some captions around them. you'll need to join of course.
i noticed that they all have 'tumblr' as their prefix. does anyone use it? or is it like facebook, myspace and grouply - just one more thing to avoid signing up too.
a video for you
There's several picture blogs on Tumblr that you might find interesting. Here's some latex-focused Tumblr blogs. Plug them into your RSS reader and get these pix sent to you automatically every day....
My apologies for being in a bit of a funk these past 2 weeks, and not getting new captions up.
I do have some material in the works, it's just getting the stuff written--it took me some doing this time to figure out how to write this batch.
And I've had real-life issues, including persistent allergy issues from a nearby and large construction site, draining me of energy too.
But I do plan on getting something done for Monday, count on it.
Bradley Poe (at the DollCollective)
So nobody really answered your question;
Tumbler is a blogging site -- it is by consensus a better blogging site than blogger which is what you currently using, but not as good as Posterous -- or at least that is my personal experience.
Tumblr looks like having very relaxed attitude to what people post, so I have never seen anything coming up with an "explicit" or "adult" rating like on your site -- hence a lot of blogs consist entirely of pictures and no text. Examples on such here and here
One interesting aspect of both posterous and Tumber which you will notice in the second example I gave is that you can use your own domain name for your site -- so the site URL does not have to contain the ...blogger.com, ...tumblr.com, or posterous.com -- but rather you could register your own domain name and get it to point directly to your site.
However if you think blogger is the blogging site for you, then there is really no reason for signing up with either tumblr, wordpress or posterous -- hope that clears it up
Hi www.blogger.com owner, are you interested in links exchange? Reply to my email
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