on several occasions various people i know in SL have tried to link in world stores and real life fetish stores and designers. i have tried myself and i know a few other people have tried. one clever idea was an arrangement to reproduce the designs of of a real latex designer exactly in Second Life and to offer it for free in world when you buy the physical version.
there are countless number of people who want to try latex and will do so in world first - surely those people are potential buyers for real latex?
conversely i've tried on numerous occasions to get my wardrobe matched by in world stores with barely any luck at all. its been a quest i've have had in SL since i delved into it and i felt it was a way to deepen my connection to the latex doll that i am becoming becoming - re-enforcing the need for it. sort of like a training simulator or is it much closer sympathetic magic?
the past year i wanted to finally become a permanent doll in world and to seal up my avatar in Hybdriz doll suit with inflatable bubble hood and its ensemble but in black as opposed to pink which i've been locked into for well over a year - has sadly not made any progress at all. i wanted it in black as i can now totally match that outfit in Second Life to my real latex bar the ponytail on the hood. the later of which i managed to secure off ebay.co.uk last fall from Elena's latex in case your interested.
even my own thoughts on new latex designs seems to be able to be realized more rapidly by real world designers than SL ones. saying that the man behind POC is extremely fast and managed to duplicate in world my yummy and "i should wear it more often" Fantastic Rubber's legendary Mannequin Catsuit.
my motivations are probably no where near the same as sister blogger Deirdre Young's motivations which can be found in a write up here on her excellent blog.
still, with considerable design innovation within Second Life and the fact that major brands are already testing the market with in world products - i wonder how long before the latex fetish world makes the cross over or even when the Second Life designers step out of the computer into real world offerings?
We're all still waiting for some pics of that great Fantastic Rubber mannequin suit! ;)
I'd like to know more about this "Mannequin suit"! I went to Fantastic Rubber's web site, but could find nothing - I can't read much German, and automatic translation didn't help. They don't seem to have much of an online store or catalog.
Hey RM, I'm in the same boat as you, I can't find that product link anywhere on their site but I am assured it exists :/
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