yesterday i was looking through the german ebay and found these looser latex items.

latex doesn't need to be skin tight of course, its just that is normally shown that way. i guess to get the full effect of its stretchiness. i like both to be honest although i've not gone as far as latex lady and keep on a catsuit as a base then wear looser latex on top. thats a List B stage for sure...
here's a couple of yummy catsuits. the silver looks amazing and the hooded red one is totally cute.

the above silver one sold here for a low 63 euros!

so when shoping be sure to check out people purging their wardrobes and new designers starting up. you'll never know what bargins can be had.
the red hooded catsuit looks like OsvaldoGreco's comic character....<3
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Fantastic blog, I had not noticed earlier during my searches!
Carry on the wonderful work!
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