end of june i had just past 1.6 million as i blogged about here and checking the count with stat counter between July and now is bellow:
now add that to the stats till end of June and you get (assuming my maths are ok) is a staggering: 2,227,660.

pitty there's no dollar an access charge to look at the blog - or hey even 10 cents to look at a page.
any bets on when i will hit 3 million?
ps; another milestone was hit without even realizing it just now - this is the1,601 post!
<< "pitty there's no dollar an access charge to look at the blog - or hey even 10 cents to look at a page."
Do I get this right? You want to take the account or your personal journey(this blog)and turn it into one of personal gain?
- Dan(long time casual reader)
nope, just day dreaming
there's definitely enough content for a book or two now - Asudems Diary ;-)
try to put some google ads or similar, not 10 cents per hit, but at least some 0,0001 cent, per link..
Have you seen this.
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