the last few weeks have been manic with work and my weekends pretty well written off for just 'me-time', so thats one reason for the slowness of my updates. i'm sadly still backlogged with scans which i normally leave too a leisurely saturday - i'll get too them next weekend.
i spotted the lovely belt in a few magazines which i had clipped and then was kindly sent in a link to a peice in a uk newspaper who also noticed a trend for wide belts but also fashionable celebs wearing them
here at apprently almost any function they attended.
it does looks amazing though and seems to be the start of an ASFR vibe with the carry over of the silver / gold American Apparel leggings. do note the long leather gloves too which is another motif i think is developing.
sadly though the belt is a designer one a costs in the thousands of dollars. a basic metalic waist clincher wide belt won't just do it either imho - its the solid chrome wasp shape too it and the fact that it will lock on.... very very yummy.
so when will a fetish designer start making something similiar at hopefully way less? or maybe those eastern product pirates would stop making watches, louis vutton bags and get on with kinky chrome wasp belts? i can dream...