one of my news years resolution's is to wear from now on permenantly all day latex on half my body. the idea was that it would be my light doll pink latex tights but i've slipped from that and been swaping back and forth from them to my basic skinny latex jeans.
now i'd be happy to wear the tights all the time i found they do interfer with my training in the 5.5s heels. the latex is simply too thick to get my feet into the shoes which aren't broken in at all and which i still can't really walk in yet. of course plain tights are fine - hense the skinnyjeans.
i was trying to get it burnt into my teeny dolly mind that i was half pink doll latex, which sort of works when i keep it up but more often than not i wear my skinny jeans now.
so there's this Q of being 1/2 doll latex vs wearing latex. and if i'm 1/2 doll latex then i end up covering up the latex with something else which kinda defeats it all now doesn't it?
generally at home (and i work part time away from the office) i'll be wearing my chocolate brown latex blouse once i'm back in and all weekend. i've also started to venture out in it, under my big winter jacket. still it getting me used to being out in latex in public.

i have also just noticed the ball of my feet have finally adapted to the 5 inch heels and i'm much more fluid and they're more comfortable now. the frount strap doesn't bite as my toes and the ball has bent too the right angle to go under the toe strap - as they're of course meant too - with the ball of my feet offering more support.
so progress is being made i think and shortly will have my modified catstuit, pink body and white body back and will start wearing those too with either the skinny jenas or tights. on monday i puchased long pink latex gloves off ebay in europe so with all three items combined i'd be mainly latex from neck to toes.
its all happening much more quicky....