actually it was from earlier in the week when i had a look and did the screen capture and upload too the blog. just not gotten around too it yet.

for the most part it seems that expense is the the major limiting factor when buying latex for the respondents. those who buy it were told not to take part.
then the question of where to get it came up and had a strong response that people simply didn't know where to get it. latex boutiques and designers are like needles in a haystacks in most cities where The Gap and other chain stores dominate.
has anyone ever seen a fetish shop in a mall? i don't think so but i'd love to be surprised.
the body image issue is an obvious one and that was well voted for too. if there's no where to buy it then how can one try it on? it certainly has absolutely no hanger appeal. i know, i've seen it in the few shops we have here. mannequins, models and photo shoots however make it look amazing.
Libidex in the uk has their revamped webpage and new styles being worn by a girl who is very pretty but is no where near the model body type - and it still looks totally great on her.

so there's one designer addressing this issue.
lastly the combined issue of it being a special event dress or clothing that needs to be worn for someone else or somewhere special.
some thoughts and feedback for those latex designers i know read this blog...