Sunday, September 03, 2006

i'm so fashionable and i didn't even know it...

i just found out that the new issues of 'W' magazine has some latex in it so i ran out and snagged a copy before they put the new issues out. it took some hunting let me tell you. the larger and i do mean larger spread i've scanned a few of and will put up later.

these first couple are from a moody and gothic b/w fashion spread which features a curvey model in latex panties from Demask - who have a shop in town.

so am i ahead of my time or what? :P

i don't need to feel guilty or secretive about my latex panties any more as its all ok 'cos the expensive fashion magazines say its ok now. ;-)

still i think i need a few more pairs...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello I'm a french latex lover and i Like your site =)
I have a website for you :

a Doll transforming ! =)