not sure why but i stumbled across them and gave them a ago. six months of heel training in the 4"s boots had acclimatised me enough too that height that i could move on. and i have so the 4"s are basically just like day to day, flat shoes and the super glossy taller ones are ones i'm breaking in a bit more. they're pretty well there but certainly no where near my 4"s which i could live in without batting an eye.
xmas has been generally pretty quiet thankfully. appart from various flaky friends standing me up or being too distracted with their own personal dramas to think of me.... i dediced to go all doll-like at kayliwulf where i model 'virtually', put on my super cute EGL oufit and an AO wind up key winterose made and had given me (yes that super famous winterose of the ASFR FAQ fame) and sit like the dolly i am under the tree for the xmas period.
now it came to me that i should have on my black patent boots as i did and matching solid pink tights which came from Paris. so i did.... then i think it was boxing day that there were thigh boots that came with the knee boots from kayliwulf kingdom fetish store (in second life). hmm... i dug around under my bed where i keep all my latex and lo and behold there was a pair of thigh length boots in the same yummy thick stretch deep black pvc...
no it wasn't christmas magic, as much as i wish it were. it was another pair of boots i had purchased off ebay like these here (49.95$ and no bids btw), which i had bought it my newly aquired, and quite frankly foot fetish delerium, tried on once, was in great pain and couldn't walk in them and promptly put them away.
so there they sat till it was the right time. and if was settling into 4 3/4"s, then why not go for the 5"s ones then?
the week is almost up since i put on my EGL oufit and by boots both in second life and in real life. i swap between the two heel heights of boots in second life and real life. making sure i mirror on too the other.....
yesterday i was in the 5"s thigh boots pretty well from mid morning till the new year at 1am.
there is a big tipping point somewhere between 4"s and 5"s i've found and the back of my calves and thighs hurt alot, my toes are squished into a point and i move in a different way for sure but i bet one day my 4's will be left in the cupboard and i'll be looking for heels with 5 1/2" heels....
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