sounds like a title for a cheesy horror film now doesn't it? well its all true.
the images were sent in today from uk correspondent blackice after shooting at leading London fetish club 'The Torture Garden'.

"Shooting again at Torture Garden on the 1st of Nov, (sat) - a delayed Halloween party and managed to cross paths with a latex/rubber doll. Only one spotted. Mind you there was only one Elvis too. A connection?
Both she and her outfit was completely latex.
I was running tests with my large format 3D camera (2x res of IMAX or 60x res of Viewmaster reels) and caught the doll first in 3D and then later in the night on the stairs with the Canon 5D.
The stereo 3d Scans will be sometime this week."
so more when it comes.

I was running tests with my large format 3D camera (2x res of IMAX or 60x res of Viewmaster reels) and caught the doll first in 3D and then later in the night on the stairs with the Canon 5D.
The stereo 3d Scans will be sometime this week."
so more when it comes.

A very beautiful doll.
Thank you for sharing her with us.
Figured I'd post it here so people know, the results were ok but not brilliant. Shutter speed was too slow so ambient light screwed the colour balance.
Will scan when I get a chance.
This is Britne, I met her at the Rubberdoll World Rendezvous earlier this year.
Hehe, ooh captured on camera, fortunately while behaving myself!
Thanks for taking my piccy Mark..
Hey neat, a comment from Britne herself. ;-) I'm curious, was that a full latex bodysuit underneath all that opulent clothing, or was it just latex where it 'showed' as it were? Especially if the former, I can imagine that would get rather warm in there!
- Steve M
Underneath I'm wearing teh top half of a "doll" suit (cover to wrists and waist), botton half rubber stockings and rubber bloomers so fully covered there as well.
I generally find that once I have one layer of rubber on additional layers only make a marginal difference.
Very pretty. Can't wait to see more. Britne, where did you get the doll suit from?
The doll suit was made by House of Harlot, is little experimental on their part really, but does the job :)
PS - Google seems to require me to keeep re-registering on each post, sigh.
I've checked the House of Harlot website and haven't found it up for sale. Curious as to how to get ahold of it. I also seem to think that Asu may have made a post about the suit in the past, but I can't remember.
Hi Roen,
it was actually a custom item so you would need to contact them for information.
no, that was one libidex made and sells. they're also one made / sold by Marquis's online store and created by a UK company that supplies them.
Hi Asudem
Got the scanner out now and the stereo pair cleaned up pretty well. Images are no longer green cast but there is a slight camera shake.
Anyway - scanned in and emailed in along with a find of cosplayers in 3d. Check your email
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