for some reason i decided to google my blog and i found and besides finding it at the top of the list, there were also recommendations and even a review 'The Week In Porn' would you believe?
they said:
Doll’s Realm
Filed in Fleshbot Wednesday January 11, 2006
Just ogling the images found on masking and rubber dolly sites is enough to give some of us a thrill—or the willies, or sometimes even that nice combination of both. But for the purist, the Doll’s Realm blog provides even more for the masking enthusiast, complete with links to music to dollify by, images of humanoid mannequins for inspiration, and a little Rubbersisters stalkerati action for good measure. It’s not for those who want to fuck Barbie; after all, there’s a million porn sites for that. It’s about being Barbie, hopefully while getting fucked. V. Blue
and that was before i figured out how to install a counter. i'm in two minds about it. on one hand its good exposure and people get to see it, on the other hand i don't want to get it pulled down for some violation of links or bandwidth issues. hmm...
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