i have this sort of wish list, well it could be a to-do list too, but really a shopping list, but it contains things i want to buy now and later. one thing thats been haunting me of late is to get my own mannequin i can pose in my bedroom and put my clothes on. maybe paint her to be the same colour as my latex tights or my barbie. something like that - i'm not too sure of the detials of yet.
i think mannequins are one of my earliest doll fetish yearnings. but not just by themselves they also need to be trapped behind clean glass in window displays or even in more confined tubes or display cases. frozen there, timeless, still, beautiful, women transformed and changed into plastic.
i wish i could join them...
it would be worth collecting surrealist mannequin pictures. Ive just got a book out of the Libary called "Surrealism and the politics of Eros 1938-1969" It has alot of great pics, some ive never seen before . They are the grand-daddys of doll makers!Exploring the kink in the name of art. Duchamp wouldve loved Dolls realm!
manne i think the same thing, but my budgeting for all this i have a latex body that will be next on my list of purchases...
I like this article very much, keep up the good work with this blog, I like it when I find new posts whenever I visit here!
"...one thing thats been haunting me of late is to get my own mannequin i can pose in my bedroom and put my clothes on..."
--> what a nice idea!
"...but not just by themselves they also need to be trapped behind clean glass in window displays or even in more confined tubes or display cases..."
--> a lifesized human doll in a doll box, not only unable to move, but also imprisoned, yet so perfect, so beautiful, made to be looked at, more an item than a person. So helpless... so cute... loved by it's owner, a plaything behind glass... *knock*knock*AnyBodyThere?*
"...i wish i could join them..."
--> me too.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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