i've always had a thing for bubbles. not sure where it came from. too many cartoons? maybe its a connection to my mannequin fetish or packaging for dolls? a safe entrapment to seal myself away from the world at large?
in second life i was a member of the bubble girls who, using a device that is no longer available from any sellers there, would float on sl's winds. it was a great and very calm way to see the world.
Now you got me thinking, on a hypnosis related bent mind you...
You should have someone craft you a session/mp3 with a "Bubble" induction followed with some latex/doll related material.
Knowing someones personality is very important to the effectiveness of hypnotic trance and training.
It allows the hypnotist to have the right key for the right hole, so to speak, as "LadyR" from emcpodcast.com puts it.
Anyway, just stopped bye. Cheers,
Does you know that rubber balloons that you can go inside?
Looks funny, I like they.
Hmm...I once wrote a hypnosis script inspired by an LTBSA story, that was about a woman becoming a latex doll named "Bubbles".
I had to retire the thing though as it was a little *too* effective in turning willing women into blank-minded lovetoys (had to actually intervene with one of them). But....maybe it's time to do a new version?
Just saying--Brad Poe
That place(LTBSA) is gone for now I guess!?
Try it.
I have a few photos with a doll called Bubbles, clearly written below images, email if interested. These from 1920s. I sell photos on ebay, Marianne
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