are posted above. i like the sureal dreaminess of the sandra bullock image and the weirdness of the one with the real doll pinning down the schoolgirl to convert her. something about that 2nd one, a vision of dolls coming and taking me to make me on of them is soo hot... please, please make more like that? x
he explained in a comment:
" The bulk of my fetish photomanipulation work, ASFR, Dolly and Mind Control, resides over on The Hypnopics Collective now, where lots of mind control oriented photoshop artists tend to hang out and do their thing.
They've more recently instituted registration in order to prevent attacks by hostile users and cover our butts there from prosecution, however the site is still free, and the sheer amount of work there is staggering.
My own galleries in the albums there range over the last 8 years of my photoshop works, fetish-wise. There's stuff you used to only be able to see on a now defunct site by the name of Privatepages.com. There's even a few non-adult images in there too. You might try stopping by.
That said, the link to the collective itself ishere
The link to my galleries there is here
WARNING: THESE IMAGES BY AND LARGE ARE NOT SAFE FOR WORK. That said, some of the relevant pics there you might be interested in here are:
Becoming the Doll here
Conversion Key here
Dolly Induction here
Eddie Maddox' Hypno-Transform Show here
Sandra Bullock as 'Simply Sumptuous' here
The Prepon Ragdolly Sans Button Eyes here
Dollhouse - June 2010 here
WinterTech Persocons 002 here
WinterTech - So Many Dolls here
WinterTech Persocons 001 here"
enjoy and leave compliments for him in comments!!
i dont know what it is with the giant keys...thats more Tin toy...a cord to pull would be more fun.
manne - no ones at the door yet i'm afraid. nor in my dreams :-(
still waiting on the latex doll tights. maybe tommorrows post.
Actually Winterrose I have a shot thats half done that sort of fits involving my mini model and loads of those balloons used to make balloon animals. Think fly stuck in plant and you'll be close.
Drop me an email and I can send over.
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