..well i did try but wearing them when in bed was interupting my sleep just too much, so i'm staying in th 5"s all day now and till bedtime.
i do leave them on but undo the strap so if i start to wake up from the soreness, rubbing etc, i can just kick them off. i'm keeping at it so that one night i'll just sleep right through without any problems and then that will be 24hrs straight..... and i will have adapted to the heels forever more.....
on the good news i found that my ebay pleaser shoes i described in an entry bellow arrived - and alot faster than the first pair. wow - the oxfords are so cute and look brillitiant. i tried them on and they're a good fit and the tightness i get when i do up the laces is just devine. sort of like when your mom used to tie you into ice skates - so tight they feel like they're a so a part of you. wondering what something like that as a lace up knee or thigh boot would be like. or maybe a full modular mannequin suit...
i am going to start trianing with those on the weeked now.
the 6"s arrived in same package and besides looking sexy as f**k, there's no earthly way i can wear them. my toes would have to be at a 90 degree angle to the soles of my feet. one day maybe, but not for now sadly. even barbie doesn't have toes that do that afterall!!
so they'll just sit there on my self tempting me forward....
the heels are definatley doing something too me, the latex is nice but since its not more coverage there's only so much it does.
so your saying you've seen this happen before, or done this too willing subjects?
please enlighten us all....
Please, Please do as me; go via the 5 1/2 inch and the 14 cm heel. There are some of them out there... The "Domina 431" (pierresilber.com and bananashoes.com), the "K501" (bananashoes.com) and the "PU-2001" (fuss-schuhe.de)..
Anonymous, the ones i now have are the photo's. oxford are 5 1/2 and the plain court shoes 6+"....
Hi. I just came upon your site and I think it's wonderful :) I totally share some of your kinky fantasies. However, I just wanted to point out some of the long term effects of your heel training, in case you didn't already know. And if you don't want unsolicited adive stop here :) Anywho, you can do serious damage to your feet and damage the cartilidge in your knees (eg get arthritis) by wearing really high heels all the time. As cartilidge has no blood supply, it really doesn't get better.
However, if you still want to wear ballet slippers (as seems to be your ultimate goal), why not just take up ballet ? With the time it takes to train to get "en pointe" your quads and other leg muscles will be in much better shape to hold your patella in place (hence less knee problems). You could also just go to the gym and do quad strengthening excercises. This wouldn't help your feet at all, but it would minimize the damage to your knees. Anywho, good luck and sorry if you already knew all this.
Luvs, Mary
thanks for the link Mary, i'm not sure if i want to be in ballet heels, just to be able to wear them. as for the damage, i'm not sure on that. i'm no where near long term but i get the drift - thanks
everything works with a gradual motion and practice with pleanty of time do not rush it it will work for you asudem
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