i was watching "supernatural" and in the episode there's a small haunted cabin, but the ghost isn't a ghost but a thought form - something like the creature in forbidden planet. it was made by all these people looking on a website and feeding energy into it and stories into it.
so it got me thinking again about gods/goddesses and the like. maybe since dolls and barbies been around for so long and people have been playing with them there's a latex barbie doll goddess or throught form now? maybe thats what the dream was?
i had this idea of putting some sort of spell into the core blog html code. nothing that would appear, but it would be accessed by anyone who loaded the page. not worked out the detials yet but i think its pretty neat, well might be good for a film idea anyway.
any kinky witches out there who can help?
or just think about me becoming a sexy curvey latex dolly version of myself each time you come to this site..... and i'll report what happens.
well thats one person.... anyone else? :P
well thats one person.... anyone else? :P xx
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