i have on a few occasions now written 'latex doll' on the sole of my foot to get me deeper into the entire doll and object mindset. once when i was going out to a burlesque night i drew doll joints all over me with normal thick felt indelible pen. since there were alot of people tattoo'd to the nines, no one really noticed my brave efforts coming out as a living doll.. :-(
recently and i don't know if its the green knot spell working (anyone else still doing or thinking about it?) but i've been yearning, almost hungry for some sort of permenant declaration of my dollness....
now a real tattoo is probably too much for me now but it suddenly struck me as i was considering options for logo's and how to draw joints that henna would be perfect for what i want. wikipedia entry is here if you've not seen maddonna with it on.
it lasts up to 2-3 weeks and if you skip the indian motifs then something like doll joints and fine details would be perfect. the kits even have three different heads, fine for detailing, medium and a wide brush.
so i looked on ebay (as i almost always do now) and found just stacks of it starting really cheaply here. so i plan on ordering a kit and giving it a go.
not totally permenant, but will definately last untill i can do it again and again. each time taking me closer to the doll....
hena- its actually best to go and get a pro-job by some indian lady in your town.The self -job can come out not as good {weaker}, not as good as in pictures {im sure Madonna would have had a pro-job}.
Theres also these 'tempory' Tatttoo's you can get these days.I dont know where , but they are becoming more popluar.Its Ink. Hena is more like dying your skin.(red/brown}But for simple 'joint' lines, Hena might be ok, but a nice black temp tattoo would be better!google temp tattoo's.
...but then again theres no harm in trying yourself.Its cheap enough.
well its just a test and an idea to practice with of course. also have actually tried to draw anything well on yourself? its very hard and don't even get me going about getting it even.
as for the temp tattoo's i've looked around and not found any suitable at all. but there is some inkjet tatoo paper that would let you make your own.
Hiya! Completely off subject... but I came across your old lj account, which you haven't updated in forever, which disapointed me because we seem so similar. But I followed the white rabbit and it lead me hear :) which...assuming your the same person makes me very happy!
I read your post about the difference beteween wanting to be objectified, and having it forced upon you and the difference between the two. Anyway...you seem to be a long way away from that point now, but i'm just starting my own journey into my desiers to be objectified. :P And i'm pretty damn asexual myself, oh...and wait for it.... dun dun dun! I'm an art student to boot as well. Graduate art student at that...
Anywho, i've just started into a DS relationship with a hypno dom. Me and my friend are both hopping to be transformed into her puppets.
I'm sorry this was totaly off topic from your post...but I would love to talk with you, as i'm sure my friend would to. If your still around (which it looks like you are) IM either of us on yahoo at transformed_ash or tfubergeek :)
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