Friday, March 10, 2006

Curse of the Were-Barbie.....

some people can feel it - the full moon coming, its a time of magic and transformation.

i can feel it - can you? witches used it for their rituals and incantations. its a time power

we're mainly water and if the pull of the moon can shift the oceans, why not effect us?

so my humble experiment, one that is a follow on, or in addition too the one about thinking of me into being latex is to do the same and more so especially on the night of the full moon. i'll make sure i'm in as much latex as i have in hope to resonate and maybe even summon barbie herself.

the moon calander

i'd be very happy to be a were-barbie, all latex for two days or every month.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I noticed you liked 'What the Bleep' check out a book called 'The Feild'. It deals with cohesion of random number generators in groups of peoples and also during full moons and sacred sites.

Personally think there's something too it all if you can tap into it.