seems the best way to do it is have a perfectly crafted mask that looks like other mannequins.
i haven't a clue where these were taken or what store. they might have been from james mannequin site based out of toronto, canada.
but finding these again on my backups gave me an idea. maybe someone should make my scene barbie heads or even bratz's.... if nothing else it would make a great halloween costume. although i imagine some of us would want to wear them more than once a year....
Oh Bratz Mannequins would be so cute. I have a fun picture made for us on Bratz World
Not Bratz Mannequins but Mannequins with Bratz :)
Bratz World
yes, they're real people. look at the body. how many mannequins are that short and have tummies?
Those pics are great , if they were real person inside.
I love real living doll very much
Keep going finding these pics, Thanks a lot
Wow, you're picture backup files look a lot like >my< backups! :) I certainly remember this set of pics. The masks are from styrofoam wig mannequins. If you search eBay you should find them on sale for a good price. You'll have to do some minor restructuring to wear them or see out of them. Good luck!
I would love to do that.
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