"hi, just a short intro and some links for you to check out.
the first is for some people I met at Comiket http://toyboxde.gozaru.jp/ they do events and have an interesting act where they play karakuri ningyo http://www.karakuri.info/dashi/index.html as well as the usual cosplay most people are familiar with.
http://cockrobin.org.uk/index.html is a maid café, another item that is unique to Japan's Akibakei culture.
lastly is Ni Channel which is a rich source of information for the Akibakei and Otaku types and figured prominently in Densha Otoko http://www.2ch.net/"
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Edo "
and Rotwang has provide some images from a tv series from over there;
"It's from a Japanese mid-90's TV show called Death Hunter & Dangerous Angel with a bunch of supernatural themes. In one of the episodes a girl dresses up as a doll to commit crimes. http://jdorama.com/drama.60.htm"
no doupt u have seen, but I had to mention it here, the recent JP sex doll brothel post on Fleshbot.com.
Inspiration for the Doll makers, especially the costumes.
also, what are these 'scripts' people mention, in relation to training people into dolls?
Speaking of japanese cinema, for those that may be interested in the related fetish of people-as-robots as opposed to just people-as-dolls, you may want to check out a japanese action flick called here in the states "I love Maria." (not sure what the original japanese name was). It has, simply enough, one of the best gynoid 'robot' suits I've ever seen that the title character wears; first in black plastic (my favorite) then at the end in shiny chrome. The doll costume in the vidcaps here reminded me of them (although the Maria suit is far more impressive-looking, of course), so if that look is what does it for you as well, might be worth checking out.
thanks Brad, i did get the jist of the term a while back ,just wanted to be sure i had it right. id very much like a copie(s) of a script as im taking myself/doll to the stage soon and need some inspirational words.More so, any recordings.The computrized voice sounds apealing as it reminds me of dolls withwhich you pull a cord and they talk.please excuse if i appear a trifle ignorant.-P
I Love maria is actually a Chinese flick! Check out the info on this page.
It's a Tsui Hark film so there are some good touches of black comedy as well as allusions to Fritz Lang's Metropolis thrown in for good measure.
It7s a good film but, be warned you need a good Chinese dictionary once the gaoshai hits the comedic fan.
I love Maria is a great film and Tsui Hark used to be a brilliant director but his current work is pretty average. Btw you can get the dvd in the clearence section of: http://www.dddhouse.com/
for something like 25$HK. I do all my far east DVDs from there.
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