just some scans sent in by blackice from the weekend section of a major uk national newspaper called 'the guardian'. seems to be a definte doll make up trend imho along with using models that look doll like.
and spot the bratz!
he's also said that he's "researching a feature on doll fetish and should be outlining and pitching it soon to a fetish magazine over there". wonder if i'll get a mention!!
Those are the best scans I can do, but the problem I noticed with them is that the text from the reverse side shows through. Anyone have a suggestion on how to scan without it?
Obviously the paper is thin–about 50kg and the dpi of the photos is less than 200. Considering it's not Japan where paper weights are usually 100kg and dpi is a minimum of 300.
Try putting the pages on a black background and scanning. Afterwards you will have to correct for colour balance as it will be too dark.
aren't dolls painted to look like heavily made up women
its a bit of a chicken and egg scenario
"aren't dolls painted to look like heavily made up women"
Originally, yes! Dolls were supposed to represent the fashions and makeup of the upperclass. That's why the hairstyles and makeup was exaggerated.
A good example of this would be the Japanese Hina Dolls of which there are many different types and styles. These are patterned on the styles of the Heian Imperial Court or from later periods such as the Tokugawa Bakufu. They are supposed to represent either the Emperor and Empress and their court or the Tokugawa Shogun, his wife and the Daimyo of his entourage.
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