i started this blog back in fall last year. it was sort of a notebook or a scrapbook of stuff i found on the net and wanted to share. sometimes i'd add my comments and thoughts on things, sometimes my very personal desires too.
for the longest time - well untill last month or so - i had no idea if anyone was actually reading it. then braving my fear of html coding and totally messing things up i installed a counter.
as of this morning its hit a staggering 23,050 hits!!! and thats not counting what it was up till then.
so i had another delve into adding bits to the blog and found a survey which has been up for a week so far here
i'm really not surprised that people just come for the eye candy, but a lack of interest in egl and fashion was a shock. people do seem to like latex alot as a fetish and would love to have their own living doll which is interesting as thirty one wanted to become one and eighteen are actively trying something.
of course i did vote myself too. ;-)
a new one will be up later today or tommorrow.
yes, you can vote in multiple fields already....
i certianly did. ;-)
the pole is still going. it doesn't time out from what i can gather. so check the results in a few weeks.
there will be other poles at other times. so don't feel obligated to answer it if it doesn't fit your particular kink.
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