Monday, October 29, 2007

how to get interest...

another totally random find after reading some msg board somewhere. this sort of sums up my dislike for myspace, facebook, god-knows-what the lastest one is.

its also a major cliche on what people expect from these things - blogs too.

click here for the first full pannel and continue onto the next page for the conclusion.



SanderO said...

I read a range of blogs and comment on them too. Can't be bothered with face book and my space... I prefer privacy to sharing my life and made up BS with people allover the place. Obviously this appeals to many people.

The web can suck too much time and when I am off line I feel more alive and makes me think that so much of these is a pure waste of time. I do less and less "fantasy/fetish" things and more and more reality based web stuff.

This blog is interesting more than not.

Anonymous said...

I guess some people want to tell things, while others want to have a blog/my space/face book.

Anonymous said...

seems like a found a keeper here on this blog!

Andre said...

Like anything else, the web is all what you make it. If you let it be your only means of ego nourishment, than you've got a problem.