Monday, December 07, 2009

too busy for my own good

well its been a very very busy few weeks. my second life activities have even suffered and all i really do there is stand locked in display cases. not even enough time to deal with the idle chats and im that appear.

i think i'm almost over the deadline hurdle unless something else comes up this week i'll be getting more entries up.

i've done the research, saved the links and images. just need a clear space to get on and write it.

at least i'm managing most of the time in latex bar times when i head to the city or locally for client meetings. though i must admit to wearing my unpolished black latex skinny jeans when its been raining as well it just makes good sense now doesn't it?

also its now been 1 year since i've started to sleep nightly under a queen sized latex duvet (black if you want to know) and in a short two weeks i'll celebrate my fourth year of blogging!!!?!!!


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