my usual hunting grounds these days is Aliexpress for fetishy but non latex items. i now have the super shiny and tight leggins bellow and well most of the other ones now. the robot ones are my pj bottoms and might end up wearing all day if not going out.
my earliest exposure to mannequin, fetish, leather and BDSM was actually via a NYC art catalogue that had a few of UK pop artist 'Allen Jones' in it. I believe it was even said table for sale.
this is the last one - check out the price (and more photo's) at
wasn't keen on the position but everything else i was entranced by.
then later i found he had done loads more, paintings, sculpture and wearable pieces that turn you into a living mannequin!!!
you think i jest but it happened to Kate Moss
it was originally made in the 60's and can be seen larger in a signed (£250) poster from RA.
he also was known for making the movie poster for cult french fetish film:
i think there's a french law that JPD has to be in all French films???!?! worth looking for.