Sunday, June 25, 2006

is it the journey or the end..... ?

some days i wish someone could just zap me and make me latex.

other days i enjoy the rituals of putting my freshly cleaned and newly talc'd latex panties on, thinking to myself 'with these i am making myself a latex doll' a the cool tightness embraces by bottom and my now so smooth pussy.

i'm not sure which i want, but i do know i'd like it all to go _alot_ faster.

and not have to worry about work and bills and office politics etc. even being found out at work. i mean latex does smell when it gets warm... so far no ones said anything. but that could be good a/c and that some people in my office not knowing when to stop with the perfume or cologne.

some of those stories on legacy and gromets site just hit me so hard i want to jump into them and be the main character. to be taken out of the world and so changed so much i'd not be human anymore. a step past no return: forever into the latex doll.

am i mad? or just kinky? or is it the pressures of 9-5 (well beyond some days for me) and needing a fantasy escape? if you saw this story you'd put me in the 'mad' catergory.

but is it the journey or the end? i still don't know



Anonymous said...

Frankly, it's better to dream than to live a life without such dreams. And it is such a joy to watch you dream, following along as I do much the same... bit by bit, piece by piece.

There's a whole world out there, and it's a shame that we're not at the point where we can express these things freely.

Your devotion fascinates me, and is quite compelling reading. Please keep at it.

Anonymous said...

speaking of your dream winterrose if you ever look at an pen and paper rpg called cyberpunk 2020 they had that same exact technology available for someone who goes full conversion cyborg pretty neat stuff.