it maybe all too early for this but i thought it would be a good idea to start getting some input about possible directions for dollsrealm.
also it mean my own wardrobe budget would be much larger ;-)
so please take the time and make your opinions known.
A place full of news and information for people who love the idea of becoming a living doll. Wether its latex or plastic or even plushie.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
its on the way!!!!
i had an email from Fantastic Rubber in the middle of the week to say that my; custom made, perfect fitting latex mannequin suit is on the way to me now.
thankfully they've also just posted a windows media video which you can download or view in a browser which illustrates how to get into the catsuit (NSFW).
i really can't wait and i've taken a few steps to enhance wearing it once it arrives.
a friend who is an avid and constant latex wearer in London is also a drama teacher and can stand motionless for hours... so she's going to train me to be able to be a living statue too.

the other idea that i'm playing with some time now and haven't done any real research into is to find a real mannequin head that a white plastic face mask can be made from. i guess this would involve a) finding the mannequin i like and seeing if its head size is similiar and then b) have a vacume formed mask maded from it. those star wars fans have entire storm trooper outfits made so how hard could it be?
it also struck me that mannequins feet are always arched. i'm not stuck that way yet with my heel wearing although the arch is definately becoming really much more pronounced now and shows no sign of flattening when i stand up. so i spent hours and hours on google trying to track down a pair of 5 inch or higher lucite wedges.
they're not really too hard to find as they are one of the new shoe styles that made a comeback, though its incredibly hard to find at a reasonable price. the expensive designers make them but the more mass market ones were only 4 inches. strangely Amazon turned out to be a good source for high heels. weird.
in the end i snagged a pair of Charles Jourdan Byblos1 lucite high heels with 4.7" overall height and a bit of built up base. yes i know its cheating but thats the best i could find at an affordable price using 'make an offer'. apparently they cost 425$ new and in the end i managed to pay only 65$ for them.
the heels should be higher but for now they'll do while i train standing still under the personal training from Rubber Roo.
and as some of you will know who have met me in Second Life - i do try and match my real life latex with SL versions. so for the last week or so i've been modeling at Powers of Creation (also known as *POC*) to get enough store credit to make me a matching latex mannequin suit.
thankfully they've also just posted a windows media video which you can download or view in a browser which illustrates how to get into the catsuit (NSFW).
i really can't wait and i've taken a few steps to enhance wearing it once it arrives.
a friend who is an avid and constant latex wearer in London is also a drama teacher and can stand motionless for hours... so she's going to train me to be able to be a living statue too.
the other idea that i'm playing with some time now and haven't done any real research into is to find a real mannequin head that a white plastic face mask can be made from. i guess this would involve a) finding the mannequin i like and seeing if its head size is similiar and then b) have a vacume formed mask maded from it. those star wars fans have entire storm trooper outfits made so how hard could it be?
it also struck me that mannequins feet are always arched. i'm not stuck that way yet with my heel wearing although the arch is definately becoming really much more pronounced now and shows no sign of flattening when i stand up. so i spent hours and hours on google trying to track down a pair of 5 inch or higher lucite wedges.

in the end i snagged a pair of Charles Jourdan Byblos1 lucite high heels with 4.7" overall height and a bit of built up base. yes i know its cheating but thats the best i could find at an affordable price using 'make an offer'. apparently they cost 425$ new and in the end i managed to pay only 65$ for them.
the heels should be higher but for now they'll do while i train standing still under the personal training from Rubber Roo.
and as some of you will know who have met me in Second Life - i do try and match my real life latex with SL versions. so for the last week or so i've been modeling at Powers of Creation (also known as *POC*) to get enough store credit to make me a matching latex mannequin suit.
the suit that they have is pretty close but lacks the mannequin lines and is a skin so i need to have it made with my own makeup and facial details built into it.
do check out Powers of Creations blog here to catch up on the current news and competition winners. you can also buy a woman's super glossy catsuit for a mere L$200. a must for anyones second life wardrobe and of course just wear the super glossy latex tights with other ensembles.
do check out Powers of Creations blog here to catch up on the current news and competition winners. you can also buy a woman's super glossy catsuit for a mere L$200. a must for anyones second life wardrobe and of course just wear the super glossy latex tights with other ensembles.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
plinky / plink music
so sorry for this - its the video that auto plays of the Russian Latex singer. i know its irritating me each time i check the comments or log into to and update so its likely to be annoying to you too.
i'll get more entries up and it will automatically be pushed off this first page.
i'll get more entries up and it will automatically be pushed off this first page.
notes from Brighton
with some photo's were sent in by regular contributor Black Ice so rather that wait and see where they fit into future entries, here they are all now:
Hi Asudem,
Been noticing latex like leggings here on the south coast every day or so. Might be down to the number of universities and art colleges here and the new AA store. Shot one woman wearing the AA's with my camera phone though it didn't come out well enough to email in. On saturday there was a model-esque type yummy mummy sitting almost opposite me at a cafe in the super skinny leather jeans that are being pushed now as the next big thing.
Pink and primary coloured tights are also being seen around town and in window displays as per the attached Top Shop window. There's a doll-ish motif too it too.

Noticed the Strangers poster on one of the phone booths in town which is totally different from the one you posted. Here's a medium shot of the central part as well as the close ups of the two women's masks. Its not out in the UK yet.

Still waiting on my Skin Two Ball pass and I've checked its good for video too so I may be video the shows rather than shooting them. The Rubber Sisters aren't over to the Ball this year, however they mentioned plans to visit the UK in October. Will likely do a shoot or possibly even a video with them then.
Sorry still no local reliable model so the latex leggings aren't made and thus can't send the freebie pair too you. I'll keep you posted as things develop.
Hi Asudem,
Been noticing latex like leggings here on the south coast every day or so. Might be down to the number of universities and art colleges here and the new AA store. Shot one woman wearing the AA's with my camera phone though it didn't come out well enough to email in. On saturday there was a model-esque type yummy mummy sitting almost opposite me at a cafe in the super skinny leather jeans that are being pushed now as the next big thing.
Pink and primary coloured tights are also being seen around town and in window displays as per the attached Top Shop window. There's a doll-ish motif too it too.

Noticed the Strangers poster on one of the phone booths in town which is totally different from the one you posted. Here's a medium shot of the central part as well as the close ups of the two women's masks. Its not out in the UK yet.

Still waiting on my Skin Two Ball pass and I've checked its good for video too so I may be video the shows rather than shooting them. The Rubber Sisters aren't over to the Ball this year, however they mentioned plans to visit the UK in October. Will likely do a shoot or possibly even a video with them then.
Sorry still no local reliable model so the latex leggings aren't made and thus can't send the freebie pair too you. I'll keep you posted as things develop.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
of course i'd need a matching catsuit...

i saw these shoes when i was randomly clicking on an ebay promotional category and just went OMG i need them!!! then i saw the price tag of 695$ and decided against it for awhile till i was rich and famous.
feel free to look at the various styles here and there's even a video about them.
for those that don't read the trashy celeb expose mags (which btw i don't either and i barely watch the news) these are the Christian Louboutin 'Pigalle' stiletto heels which have a 120mm / 5 inch heel as favoured by Gwen Stefani. i read the python ones are highly sought after too.

they are also noted for a crimson red leather sole which is becoming iconic in itself; so much so that other designers are using the same red for their products. in this case a limited edition Lancome lipstick will be available in November this year as reported by WendyB here.
hmmm wonders if Radical Rubber does a close match and if my next pair of skinny jeans should be made in it?
Women: officially shoe mad
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
One in 10 women has spent more than £1,000 on their foot fetish. Furthermore, one in 10 own more than 100 pairs. Whilst three quarters admit that even if their shoes are too small, they still slip them on.
And nearly 10 percent of women would consider having surgery on their feet.
The survey was conducted by Harper's Bazaar magazine, involving 1,000 readers.
Editor Lucy Yeomans, who owns 40 pairs herself, said: 'I have a serious shoe habit of my own.
'Heels have a seriously addictive and seductive quality,' she continued, 'Shoes have a Cinderella-like transformative effect unlike that of any other fashion item. here
be sure to check out the enlightening footnotes to the article...
meanwhile the UK's Daily Mail recently reported The return of killer heels and seems that starlet Gwyneth Paltrow is leading the way with the sharpest of heels.
for those on a budget, you may start with a simple functional reminder of the heels you want to be wearing with one of these
now i hadn't given up total hope and was wondering what variations there were on the classic stiletto. as i've said before in a much much earlier entry; when i was introduced and pushed along into heel training by kinky authoress TSG, i started with 4 inch heels and boots.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006
One in 10 women has spent more than £1,000 on their foot fetish. Furthermore, one in 10 own more than 100 pairs. Whilst three quarters admit that even if their shoes are too small, they still slip them on.
And nearly 10 percent of women would consider having surgery on their feet.
The survey was conducted by Harper's Bazaar magazine, involving 1,000 readers.
Editor Lucy Yeomans, who owns 40 pairs herself, said: 'I have a serious shoe habit of my own.
'Heels have a seriously addictive and seductive quality,' she continued, 'Shoes have a Cinderella-like transformative effect unlike that of any other fashion item. here
be sure to check out the enlightening footnotes to the article...
meanwhile the UK's Daily Mail recently reported The return of killer heels and seems that starlet Gwyneth Paltrow is leading the way with the sharpest of heels.

now i hadn't given up total hope and was wondering what variations there were on the classic stiletto. as i've said before in a much much earlier entry; when i was introduced and pushed along into heel training by kinky authoress TSG, i started with 4 inch heels and boots.
at some point i ended up with a bit extra one month and went a bit mad and purchased a pair of 5 inch strap shoes to train in, then a pair of court shoes in 5, 5 1/2 and 6 inches. the later two sizes basically sit in the closet and tempt me to try them on.
i've sufficiently altered the arch of my foot that i can easily walk in 5" strap shoes as they're basically my day to day wear until i found the cork wedges which are great for summer and provide a much wider base. then the 5" 1/2s i can walk in but not terribly well. however the 5" 1/2 inch Oxfords provide much more all around support so i can easily last four to five hours in those without having to take them off. 4"s to recap are like flats to me so i simply don't wear them.
i did try the 5" 1/2s plain court shoes on monday night and i didn't last too long in them to be honest. i'm going to remeasure the cork wedges to make sure they're 5"s.
the 6"s are well impossible to stand in and i can barely get my toes bent backward enough to fit into the front toe part. really my foot would be vertical in them or very close to vertical which means my toes need to bend back at least 90 degrees to get into them. still i try.
so when trying to kill some time in the office (as you do) i decided to look around the other ebays in europe to see if there's other styles of stilettos and low and behold i saw these which are suspisciously similar to the Pigalles which are on the right of the photo.

i did try the 5" 1/2s plain court shoes on monday night and i didn't last too long in them to be honest. i'm going to remeasure the cork wedges to make sure they're 5"s.
the 6"s are well impossible to stand in and i can barely get my toes bent backward enough to fit into the front toe part. really my foot would be vertical in them or very close to vertical which means my toes need to bend back at least 90 degrees to get into them. still i try.
so when trying to kill some time in the office (as you do) i decided to look around the other ebays in europe to see if there's other styles of stilettos and low and behold i saw these which are suspisciously similar to the Pigalles which are on the right of the photo.

needless to say i am now waiting for them to arrive from the UK.
soon to be merchandise

i totally missed this film when it was in the cinema as i've done with most horror films that have come out over the years. this ones interesting as two of its bad guys have doll like masks.
the central one is actually very pretty while the second to the right is like a porcelain baby doll made full scale. the movie will be out on DVD mid october this year and i bet that the masks will be available to buy for halloween. after all you can get a freddy kruger mask, a scream mask as well as the Jason from Halloween. which by the way is actually James T Kirk from the original star trek series. they ran out of money when filming so simply purchased a really crappy star trek mask, painted it white and bingo a horror legend was born.
post in comments if you see it for sale.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
stay in those high heels!

Flats are Bad For You according to a short little article on the UK PopSugar site. that didn't stop inventors coming up with a disposable pair of ballet flats at nightclubs:

By Rebecca Pukiello
Newsbeat Reporter
Girls, you know the feeling, you've worn your best heels, danced the night away and been left with very tired and sore feet.
But one company believes they have the answer. Vending machines selling a fold up ballet style shoe are being rolled out across the country to soothe those sore heels.
Alongside condoms and cigarettes, Rollasoles, which cost a fiver, are being tested out in clubs in the UK and could be heading to Ibiza, New York and Melbourne.
So how does it compare to other options and will anyone buy it?
Rollasole creator Matt Horan from Bristol believes the fold out shoes are a great way for girls to take the strain off their feet at the end of the night.
He told Newsbeat: "You put five quid in to the machine - break open the miniature shoe box and out rolls the ballet pumps. continues here

very curiously after a fair bit of googling i didn't find anywhere to buy these heels. its been over a year now so they should be for sale somewhere.
nope, nada, nothing and zilch.
i've come to the conclusion that it was a stunningly successful media virus for the insurance company. pitty.
now for some french lessons...

the first is Pas Vulgaire which features a considerable number latex like leggings pretty as worn by Rihanna, Fergie and Victoria Beckam. actually Rihanna seems to wear them constantly if all the photo's on the french site are anything to go by.

a fan filmed video of Fergie in her evern changing boots and constant latex-leggings-a-like is bellow. if you click on the direct link to youtube you can find some more footage of the concert which wasn't filled on a cellphone.
you can see why she swaps back and forth between super high heeled boots and the flat knee length ones as she cartwheels around the stage.
really no need for a deep knowledge in french for the blog as its mainly photo's and videos too look at. sadly not much in the way of fashion scans as i'd hope for as europe has all the best fashion magazines.

meanwhile for those more linguistically skilled you can pop over to forum fetc to explore the news and various finds just like KinkyGerlinky's forum. sadly my french doesn't extend as far as figuring out how to register.
its not an exam: three part questions
i keep chatting to people in second life and sometimes on yahoo and find out that they are interested in latex so read this blog but for various reasons don't have any or even tried it.
so after a bit of mulling over a double espresso i came up with this poll. well its a series of polls. stop at the first one if the answer is YES. i'll do another one for latex wearers later.
ok, so that was easy. now onto another simple YES/NO.
at this point we know that you don't own any latex but really would like too. but you've not taken the plunge. so here's some possible reasons why not. of course i might of missed some points which you can add in comments. you can click as many as options you like.
so thats it. i'll get back in a couple of weeks to see how readers responded.
so after a bit of mulling over a double espresso i came up with this poll. well its a series of polls. stop at the first one if the answer is YES. i'll do another one for latex wearers later.
ok, so that was easy. now onto another simple YES/NO.
at this point we know that you don't own any latex but really would like too. but you've not taken the plunge. so here's some possible reasons why not. of course i might of missed some points which you can add in comments. you can click as many as options you like.
so thats it. i'll get back in a couple of weeks to see how readers responded.
a floaty dress of unknown designer and material

after a bit of looking on a torrent site i was able to track down the episode and answer the question - no its not PVC or latex that Daviva Mccall is wearing; rather some sort of silk or nylon made in super light glossy weight. watching her on screen with this floaty very EGL styled top was mesmerizing. the video grab to the left really doesn't do it justice.
can any of you fashionistas point me to where its from? simply for better photos. i'd settle for tops or dresses like it.
and i wonder - just how hard would it be to reproduce it in light weight latex?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
on wrong way around?
a video of Simon O's wife Manuela who was previously interviewed here putting on a clear catsuit over a black one.
still its yummy either way.
still its yummy either way.
how long before this advert...
80's haute couture PVC

the weirdest things come up on ebay and here's one example. an early 80's Thierry Mugler pvc catsuit with white cuffs and collar.
no bids yet and its only US$250 which is about the price of a really decent PVC catsuit from any normal fetish designer or twice the cost of mock 'latex' leggings which aren't even real PVC to begin with. you can buy it here.
auction ends in just over a day and according to the seller the PVC is in very good condition and has kept its stretch.
pitty the photo's don't do it justice as its on a mannequin thats way too small. wonder if it would fit wendyB? i'd best sent her an email.
wide eyed dolls

what would an anime character look like if she was a real live person? this Q is closer to being answered with the aid of Anime Contact lenses. thanks too l8x_is_gr8 who sent in the link to a very brief article on it here.
they are like normal coloured contact lenses but with the coloured irises being much much larger than normal ones, which then makes the wearer look more anime and doll like.
full information and ordering details (they one sale for 35$) is on the Shop crazy blog which seems to specialize in a range of odd beauty products i've almost never heard of.
definately something to add to my list ;-)
the russian latex doll - frolovasasha

the costume itself is very similar too ones made by a japanese design couple as well as a guy in London who gets photographed at Torture Garden pretty regularly according to my source. wether either or neither of them were involved in her costumes is still open for debate. i wonder how many she has and how long they last?
The Facehunter Show Moscow - Part 2
here's another youtube video of her band playing. love the poodle dancers!
and she does have her own youtube channel so do visit that and check it out. comment too! performances and her sculptural inflatable art is very curious and right out of a horror film.
with such a high doll like persona profile i wonder how long it will be before she's playing in fetish clubs - skin two ball maybe? or maybe thats not of an interest too her and she's more of a mainstream artists making use of fetish imagery. and by being so public in her full on fetishistic persona; just how much of an impact is she having creating more doll fetishists?
i feel an interview coming on ;-)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
she also has very good taste in images

the first is There's something about Somnambulent Brides entry which features a piece of personal early writing and the second is that she's been busy combing the various public image galleries like modelmayhem and making her own little galleries of evocative and perverse imagery.
these are The Ecstasy of Surrender and the sequel The Ecstasy of Surrender II which has a definite ASFR tone too the collection.
any one of her choices could be the starting point for a juicy fetish story. some look like they were already referenced for her existing stories.
do visit her blog, do comment and leave her some feedback as blogging can be a very very lonely pursuit with only the hit counter letting you know anyone has been listening.
i've kept it a secret for a month...
...well only from the blog readers as i've been telling everyone in second life and some of my friends on yahoo.
and what's that you ask? its only two weeks to go so i figure i might as well share the news... and its very very good news indeed. :-)
so here it is: i have been offered a custom (actually they only do custom work so thats kinda a moot point) - latex mannequin suit!!!
i sent in the measurements to Fantastic Rubber and sadly they are currently understaffed due to vacations and an illness - but they said they would have it for me for the end of August. which is coming up very fast indeed.
so i wished i would have one and its coming true! how amazing is that?

they are also taking on board the suggestions i had made in my original post and by email too.
as it takes two people to get into the face entry one - the neck entry is the option i went for. the hood could be worn first with a slight collar that sits under the full outfit. too make it more interesting the collar could have a hidden area for a strip of plastic or a tube that could be locked on. so once i'm in it, the discreet plastic tube is inserted like a thin soft collar and then locked at the front or back.
oh and my obsession runs so deep that i am considering tracking down a real female mannequin i like and get its face duplicated by a plastic vacume process...
i'll do a big update once it arrives and have had a chance to try it on. in the meantime you can get one yourself direct from Fantastic Rubber. do let me know if you do and which department store window you can be found in.
and what's that you ask? its only two weeks to go so i figure i might as well share the news... and its very very good news indeed. :-)
so here it is: i have been offered a custom (actually they only do custom work so thats kinda a moot point) - latex mannequin suit!!!
i sent in the measurements to Fantastic Rubber and sadly they are currently understaffed due to vacations and an illness - but they said they would have it for me for the end of August. which is coming up very fast indeed.
so i wished i would have one and its coming true! how amazing is that?

they are also taking on board the suggestions i had made in my original post and by email too.
as it takes two people to get into the face entry one - the neck entry is the option i went for. the hood could be worn first with a slight collar that sits under the full outfit. too make it more interesting the collar could have a hidden area for a strip of plastic or a tube that could be locked on. so once i'm in it, the discreet plastic tube is inserted like a thin soft collar and then locked at the front or back.
oh and my obsession runs so deep that i am considering tracking down a real female mannequin i like and get its face duplicated by a plastic vacume process...
i'll do a big update once it arrives and have had a chance to try it on. in the meantime you can get one yourself direct from Fantastic Rubber. do let me know if you do and which department store window you can be found in.
Friday, August 15, 2008
a video tour of...
...Libdex's shop in Covent Garden - 'Liberation'
thanks to blackice for the link to his video.
he said in the email that its just a "test edit" of some sample footage for a future film tour which they're still discussing. looks great too me - can't wait to get over to London!
thanks to blackice for the link to his video.
he said in the email that its just a "test edit" of some sample footage for a future film tour which they're still discussing. looks great too me - can't wait to get over to London!
maybe two times? or more?
it's totally news to me but maybe some readers can post what they know. it seems my counter may not be counting too well.
apparently there's software or something that hides ones tracks when looking and material they don't want to be found out about.
my estimated 2,000 hits a day may in fact be twice that at 4,000 or maybe even more?
apparently there's software or something that hides ones tracks when looking and material they don't want to be found out about.
my estimated 2,000 hits a day may in fact be twice that at 4,000 or maybe even more?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
season six was a kinky year
for america's next top model. as previously posted there was a photo shoot with all the wannabe models as puppets and dolls here.
thanks to Xrated from Germany for the find of the video clips on youtube from episode 2 of the same series where the models go bald and pose with mannequin heads.
also do have a look at part 2 of the episode as there is a bit of lead in to it as well as part four for the critique where they mull over the final photo's. if anyone finds the photo's from either episodes online then please post in comments.
thanks to Xrated from Germany for the find of the video clips on youtube from episode 2 of the same series where the models go bald and pose with mannequin heads.
also do have a look at part 2 of the episode as there is a bit of lead in to it as well as part four for the critique where they mull over the final photo's. if anyone finds the photo's from either episodes online then please post in comments.
good time to get latex leggings

even if the weather is way too hot to wear them as Libidex still has their sale on for another full week with 30% off across the board for all the clothing.
so looking at the classic tights here they're down to £46.86 which is just under $100. now if you want to make them leggings you just ask for them without the feet and save £10 / $20.
- they aren't the cheap AA leggings which last for approximately 10 outings before the washing takes a toll
- they are on sale so they're cheaper than the hard to find K+T leggings
- they are real hand made latex leggings as opposed to cheap molded ones which will fall apart (as per Mahrets experience here)
- with sheet latex the quality difference is vast - like nasty nylon to fine silk and
- they now take paypal so there's a range of payment options. so use your paypal float from ebay sales to buy new latex.
- Libidex has an amazing range of colours to pick from so your not tied into the black glossiness.

oh and you ask where the photo is from? well its an advertisement from London department store Liberty just of Oxford Circus as scanned in from the new Sept of Vogue UK. looks like latex leggings are still in style for the fall and that high end designer shops are selling them.
sensual pink's story archive

saying that there's now a new update at The Legacy of Timeless Beauty Archive so go check it out.
meanwhile i've been revisiting various archives of stories and just found Sensual Pink's site. its not been updated in a long time and not sure when it will be again, however its still worth a visit.

one of my all time favourite fetish stories is her Another Day on the Toy Pile with illustration by MadBirdCZ. do go have a look at that and her other stories. do send her some feedback and support as its what keeps us all writing more.
click to agree
after yesterday's discovery that this blog has been flagged or "complained against", i immediately set the options to over 18. now hopefully that will help with any future complaints or at least defer them.
i'm still trying to get a really good back up going. both the pc, mac and also the free online blogger back up programs and services don't seem to work. i have emailed them all as well as posted on bloggers forum about this. i think the reason is that the domain dollsrealm points to something else when you try to get into it. but thats just a guess.
anyone with more experience please chime in or email me. if your on a PC, feel free to back up the blog and let me know if it works. i doubt its very large and one PC application says it will even make a PDF file of the entire blog - that's almost a DollsRealm book. how cool would that be?
i'm still trying to get a really good back up going. both the pc, mac and also the free online blogger back up programs and services don't seem to work. i have emailed them all as well as posted on bloggers forum about this. i think the reason is that the domain dollsrealm points to something else when you try to get into it. but thats just a guess.
anyone with more experience please chime in or email me. if your on a PC, feel free to back up the blog and let me know if it works. i doubt its very large and one PC application says it will even make a PDF file of the entire blog - that's almost a DollsRealm book. how cool would that be?
Saturday, August 09, 2008
and now it's picture time

all found on on the Kinky Gerlinky Forum.
click on the thumbnails to see the larger scans. and they're much much larger as in the case with the famed Capris in the silver catsuit photo. anyone have a double page colour printer or maybe even life sized?
back up a go go
i hadn't really thought of the need of a back up but earlier today i clicked on my own bookmark and came up with a curious warning from blogger:
Content Warning
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger
which totally freaked me out.
wether some barbie collector happened upon the blog and flagged it, or some disgruntled yim/emailer i don't know. so i reset the blogger setting to say its over 18 content as a start. i then managed i think to do some sort of back up within blogger excludding the comments which i then saved as two separate PDF documents - sort of like DollsRealm the book (which is pretty neat actually). sadly these lack the large images or any of the youtube videos.
since it didn't display anything prior to nov 2006 i then opened each month from Dec 2005 till then and saved them as a web archive.
i think that will hold me till i can get the right software back up done and at the moment its not working.
if you are an experienced blogger then please please please email me if you can help with some how to.
Content Warning
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger
which totally freaked me out.
wether some barbie collector happened upon the blog and flagged it, or some disgruntled yim/emailer i don't know. so i reset the blogger setting to say its over 18 content as a start. i then managed i think to do some sort of back up within blogger excludding the comments which i then saved as two separate PDF documents - sort of like DollsRealm the book (which is pretty neat actually). sadly these lack the large images or any of the youtube videos.
since it didn't display anything prior to nov 2006 i then opened each month from Dec 2005 till then and saved them as a web archive.
i think that will hold me till i can get the right software back up done and at the moment its not working.
if you are an experienced blogger then please please please email me if you can help with some how to.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
latex leggings go with heels..
is what the message is in this commercial. thanks to Brad for mentioning it in comments and Kinky Gerlinky forums for having a link posted.
or am i just looking at the advert in totally the wrong way?
or am i just looking at the advert in totally the wrong way?
even heavy metal chicks wear latex
and not just techno dance rave diva's as previously suggested.
Monday, August 04, 2008
from a plain model to plastic perfect barbie
a great find Javier - its a promo video for an issue launch of a style magazine.
seems its not that hard to become barbie as i thought it might be. still the extra effort of photoshop takes her firmly into the realm of barbie.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
pay to become a doll

the former large breasted Natalia of Natalia's Rubber Club website has had rebranding and is now a more descriptive (in some ways) "The Rubber Whores".
definately not safe for work (NSFW) although really its exactly the same thing as her original site which is where i discovered totally by accident that she now offers various weekend courses. the one that caught my eye is unsuprisingly The Rubber Doll Course. i asked for some more information by email and received exactly the same text back by return.

- The rubber dolls' outfit - the perfect transformation into a rubber woman
- Feminization of your rubber body with breasts, pussy, corsages, etc.
- Strict rubber corset training and restrictions
- Rubberslut masks from elegant to strict
- The rubber maid's erotic make up
- Introduction into female-obsequious behaviour
- How to walk on high heels and ballet boots
- Introduction into rubber women's love and the use of toys
- Blow-job-training und anal variations
- Strict gynaecological examinations, also for virginity and period
- How to become a rubber prostitute
...and much more!
curiously when you look at the other two courses she offers you discover that they're pretty well the same thing as the doll one.
however if your looking for something more long term and you live in the eu or germany, then she's also looking for women to work full time with her... apparently orgasms are guaranteed.
personally i'd rather move in with the Rubber Sisters or get a job at a latex designers shop where i can also serve as their living mannequin.
those 60's boots: part one
sadly still no sightings of Acquo boots but i'll keep checking.
its full of great 60's fashion nostalgia and i keep wondering where all these boots went? i check on ebay when i remember and sometimes spot them but thats very infrequently. is there really good vintage clothing shops i'm totally unaware of? there's mention of a less expensive french chain of clothing shops called Andre that made thigh boots in the late 60's who just recently as 2003/4 made them again. so are there do they appear on or are they tucked away in some shops still?
meanwhile to show how ubiquitous the knee high go-go boots were back then here's an advert of British 60's singer Lulu advertising a couple pairs of shoes and loads of boots.
the boots were only 6£!!!
there's a film mention on the Cuissardes site called 'manon'70' which i'd love too see as it features a lot of retro future fashions and of course thigh boots too not to mention Catherine Deneuve and a soundtrack by Serge Gainsbourg. the photo on top of the page is from the film.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
not even remotely like it...
ok, ok i finally caved. the pressure of all those chattering fashionistas and the various blogs i felt it was my duty to get a pair of these 'latex' or 'rubber' leggings that are still in style and still getting press.
WOW - was i disappointed. i mean not slightly disappointed but gutted and "they're going onto ebay pretty soon" - disappointed.
now i do have the metallic silver leggings from AA and for what they are they're pretty good - given that they start to fall appart after almost double digit washings... if they were called just leggings then fine - but to call them latex or rubber is to attempt to cash in on a sex or fetishitic appeal these do not even come close to having it if..

and the 'if' is really necesary here as its the 'if.. you've ever worn real latex'. even cheap molded latex is superior in some ways to the counterfeit latex - and that stuffs night and day compared to a fine pair of hand made tights or leggings from a competent latex designer.
so the point i'm trying to make is that all these women getting these leggings at a price sometimes higher than the real mccoy still have no clue what good latex is. and i feel sorry for them by being led so astray and being overcharged too boot. does WendyB know the feeling of real latex? or just this pleather version?
in fact its so distant to what real latex is i bet you could do all these brands under the trades description act. 'this product isn't latex or rubber and counting the elastic at the waist doesn't count.
if i was a latex designer reading this blog, and i know there's a few, i would advise them that this is the time to break into the larger fashion audience with latex leggings. maybe black to start off with but several other colors and different sizes. start small with prestigious boutiques of course and to make a great impact send free samples to all the good high fashion bloggers as they need to know what they're missing.
WOW - was i disappointed. i mean not slightly disappointed but gutted and "they're going onto ebay pretty soon" - disappointed.
now i do have the metallic silver leggings from AA and for what they are they're pretty good - given that they start to fall appart after almost double digit washings... if they were called just leggings then fine - but to call them latex or rubber is to attempt to cash in on a sex or fetishitic appeal these do not even come close to having it if..

and the 'if' is really necesary here as its the 'if.. you've ever worn real latex'. even cheap molded latex is superior in some ways to the counterfeit latex - and that stuffs night and day compared to a fine pair of hand made tights or leggings from a competent latex designer.
so the point i'm trying to make is that all these women getting these leggings at a price sometimes higher than the real mccoy still have no clue what good latex is. and i feel sorry for them by being led so astray and being overcharged too boot. does WendyB know the feeling of real latex? or just this pleather version?
in fact its so distant to what real latex is i bet you could do all these brands under the trades description act. 'this product isn't latex or rubber and counting the elastic at the waist doesn't count.
if i was a latex designer reading this blog, and i know there's a few, i would advise them that this is the time to break into the larger fashion audience with latex leggings. maybe black to start off with but several other colors and different sizes. start small with prestigious boutiques of course and to make a great impact send free samples to all the good high fashion bloggers as they need to know what they're missing.
a picture is worth a thousand words
vintage catalog; found and uploaded by 3xl
onto his excellent latex fetish blog lust love latex in his entry dated august yesterday.

the slickly animated self page turning catalog is made up of an original catalog he found somewhere and he points out his favourites spreads are:
- Climbing in trees wearing a latex catsuit - page 13!
- Super stylish Chinaman latex outfit - page 15!
- Lying in front of the open fireplace in latex - page 20!
- Having the gang over for a latex picnic/barbecue - page 21!
you can either see the catalog on his blog or click here to see it full screen within your browser window. further clicking will enlarge the pages to their maximum resolution. sadly there doesn't seem to be any way to download the pages independently from the animated display.
Inn Skin dates from the 1970's and were based out of Toronto of all places, although no actual store frount was given - just a discreet post office box.
another collection of catalog pages can be found here and the 1974 prices are bellow. just look at those prices! i'm guessing it wasn't a full size catalog, rather half size for cheaper printing and mailing. some of the images on the second link illustrate this with the size of the repro dots.

what i find the most interesting thing about it is that they were making a serious effort to bring latex wearing to a mass and open fashion market more than thirty years ago. there is considerable amount of coloured latex on these pages and styles that are loose and flowing. this is a surprising contrast to the deep black, tight and shiny look that came out of the UK. although climbing trees and having a BBQ in latex isn't probably the brightest of ideas.
the designs themselves don't look to be terribly sophisticated by todays standards but they get high marks for the range and colours they are using. i do actually quite like the super wide leg slacks in the photo above.

the slickly animated self page turning catalog is made up of an original catalog he found somewhere and he points out his favourites spreads are:
- Climbing in trees wearing a latex catsuit - page 13!
- Super stylish Chinaman latex outfit - page 15!
- Lying in front of the open fireplace in latex - page 20!
- Having the gang over for a latex picnic/barbecue - page 21!
you can either see the catalog on his blog or click here to see it full screen within your browser window. further clicking will enlarge the pages to their maximum resolution. sadly there doesn't seem to be any way to download the pages independently from the animated display.
Inn Skin dates from the 1970's and were based out of Toronto of all places, although no actual store frount was given - just a discreet post office box.
another collection of catalog pages can be found here and the 1974 prices are bellow. just look at those prices! i'm guessing it wasn't a full size catalog, rather half size for cheaper printing and mailing. some of the images on the second link illustrate this with the size of the repro dots.

what i find the most interesting thing about it is that they were making a serious effort to bring latex wearing to a mass and open fashion market more than thirty years ago. there is considerable amount of coloured latex on these pages and styles that are loose and flowing. this is a surprising contrast to the deep black, tight and shiny look that came out of the UK. although climbing trees and having a BBQ in latex isn't probably the brightest of ideas.
the designs themselves don't look to be terribly sophisticated by todays standards but they get high marks for the range and colours they are using. i do actually quite like the super wide leg slacks in the photo above.
the photo style is very remenicient of department store catalogs from the time (which we seemed to have a collection of in the hall closet). so really aiming to make latex a contemporary fashion than say its fetish item.
the second set of catalog images came from a five year old and very rudimentary geocities site by Mr & Mrs Bodysuit who decribe it as "a page dedicated to promoting ordinary latex wear."
i'll drop them an email and see how they are these days.
the second set of catalog images came from a five year old and very rudimentary geocities site by Mr & Mrs Bodysuit who decribe it as "a page dedicated to promoting ordinary latex wear."
i'll drop them an email and see how they are these days.
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