Friday, December 08, 2017

i wander for a few minutes for fresh air and sights

typical, i stretch my legs, tp around to follow up some shopping tips and a dragon ensares me in her land.. first just posed in the large toy room then when i wasn't aware / afk - installed in doll box and RLV'd twelve ways to sunday.

i may never get out.

(still can be im'd). If you visit - be warned its a mine field so mak esure rlv is truly off. i can't release or touch anything.



Asudem Latex said...

well it seems that none of the doll cases or stands in this sim have hardcore RLV additions or capture on relog. there could be other options that could be added.

if you have said script/code can you share with me / land owner here? its just my will keeping me in place. that and it provides some chance to do more blog entries.


Anonymous said...

SL link to the location please?